Chapter one (Grammar corrected)

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(This is going to be my first Kancolle fanfiction, I'm going to base it on other fanfics)

3rd Person Pov

Japan Yokosuka Naval Base, Entrance Kanmusume sector

It's a nice morning in Yokosuka, the Kanmusume are starting to wake up. Admiral Goto is already awake, Nagato and Mutsu too. They are his Secretarys and are present for important meetings

Mutsu:"Admiral, who are we going to meet?"

Goto:"An Admiral and a Captain, they are going to be our guests for some time. Have you not noticed the spare buildings being cleaned?"

Mutsu:"I've noticed"

Further discussions are stopped as a car is arriving at the gate, the door opens and a Man and Woman step out


Goto:"The american destroyer that arrived an hour ago transported them here"

American Admiral:"Hello Admiral Goto, Hello Nagato and Hello Mutsu"

American Captain:"Hello to you as well"

Goto:"Just call me Goto, we're going to be walking distance for the foreseeable future. Could you introduce yourselves to these two here"

AA:"Admiral Netta Laurel, or just Netta as I'm not your Admiral"

AC:"Captain Fergus Coy, just Fergus is fine"

Nagato:"Why are two American Sailors going to be on our base?"

Goto:"They're having trouble finding a location for a summoning pool. They found two locations which would work but are either a not defendable island or in the middle of the country. Someone had the idea for them to use our pool until they have their own, which is a good idea as the more Kanmusume the better"

Mutsu:"That is correct

Laurel:"Wouldn't you have problems with Americans in this base?"

Mutsu:"Many of us have accepted that you are now allies, and the more Kanmusume the lower the chance someone doesn't come back"

Coy:"That does make sense"

Goto:"We're going to show where you and any possible girls are going to stay after we are complete"


Goto:"Vice-Admiral Wendel Heinz of the Federal German Navy. He's going to observe to make cooperation between our girls easier"

A second car arrives, a man who has seen the worst of war steps out

Goto:"Welcome Vice Admiral Heinz"

Heinz:"Hello old friend"

The two step closer and hug each other

Goto:"How have you been?"

Heinz:"Good and you and your girls?"

Goto:"Also good"

The two stop and turn to the rest

Goto:"We two are old friends, we both commanded destroyers once and worked together in RIMPAC"

Mutsu:"I remember you mentioning him a few times"

She turns to Heinz

Mutsu:"He always talked about you with a smile. And making him smile is not easy, the exception being some of the Kanmusume. And for that thank you"

Goto:"Let us now show you around"

The group goes to five buildings away from the Japanese Kanmusume but still on the sector

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