Chapter 9

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Before anyone could say or do anything,he walked back towards his seat and their sensei entered the classroom at the same time.

Nobody made any movement to move back towards their seats .

It would be either because they didn't see their sensei entering the classroom or they were just afraid to move because of the tension present there was so thick.

But finally the tension was broken by their sensei.

" What happened to  everyone? Why are you all not moving back to your seats ? And why do you all look so tense."

Nobody dared to say anything they just moved back to their seats .

Seeing that nobody was going to say anything he started taking attendance and then resumed the yesterday's lesson  but he found it really weird that the lesson went on really smoothly without any interuptions , even the troublemakers Kabao and Sabu were also silent.

He can see some students have nervous or guilty looks on their faces , some sat with blank faces and some have sad looks accept Mitsuo who was the only one sitting their with anger visible on his face and the only one who doesn't seem to be distracted and probably the only person paying attention to his lesson, for the very first time if he hadn't mentioned it yet .

Definitely something big had happened and somehow it is related to Mitsuo , he had to find out either he had to talk to Mitsuo alone or ask some other students when Mitsuo was not there.

 At the end of the class, he dismissed them and requested Mitsuo to stay back for a moment.

"Mitsuo, may I have a word with you?" the sensei asked gently.

Mitsuo nodded and approached the teacher's desk. His expression remained stern, but beneath the facade, he was battling a whirlwind of emotions.

"I noticed something was off during today's class," the sensei began. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Mitsuo hesitated for a moment before deciding to share some of his feelings. He told the sensei about the rumors that had been spread about him transferring school, how some of his classmates had turned on him, and the realization that his supposed friends had been using him to get closer  Perman.

The sensei listened attentively, understanding the weight of the situation. "It's tough when you realize that some people weren't genuine in their friendship," the teacher said empathetically. "But sometimes, these challenges can help us grow stronger and wiser."

Mitsuo remained silent for a moment before responding, "I don't want to be friends with those who are only interested in me because of someone else. I want real friends, people who accept me for who I am."

The sensei nodded approvingly. "It's essential to surround yourself with people who value and appreciate you genuinely. And it seems you've discovered that some of your classmates might not be those kinds of people."

Mitsuo nodded back, feeling a bit more at ease sharing his thoughts with the understanding sensei. "But what should I do now? It's hard to trust anyone in this class after what happened."

"Building trust takes time," the sensei said. "But don't let this one incident define your entire school experience. You might find that there are other classmates who genuinely want to be friends with you. Sometimes, it just takes a little longer to find them."

Mitsuo considered the teacher's words, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the disappointment. "I'll try," he said quietly.

The sensei smiled reassuringly. "That's all anyone can do—take things one step at a time. And if you ever need someone to talk to, know that my door is always open."

"Thank you," Mitsuo replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

With that, Mitsuo left the classroom, feeling a mixture of emotions but also a sense of relief from having shared his burden with the understanding sensei.

As the days passed, Mitsuo's classmates slowly began to notice a change in him. He became more reserved, but at the same time, he showed a newfound strength and self-assurance. He focused on his studies and started to engage in activities that interested him, regardless of what others thought.

Over time, some of his classmates started to see Mitsuo in a different light, and a few reached out to him to show their support and friendship genuinely. These small gestures meant a lot to Mitsuo and helped him heal from the hurt caused by the rumors.

The old tensions in the classroom began to dissipate, and a more harmonious atmosphere settled in. While things might not have returned to the way they were before, Mitsuo had learned valuable lessons about friendship, trust, and staying true to oneself.

In the end, the difficult experience had transformed him, making him more resilient and understanding. And though Mitsuo's journey was not without its challenges, he knew that he had grown stronger through it all, and that, in itself, was a triumph worth celebrating.


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