𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑 - 𝐁𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝

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Third Person POV:

Until it wasn't.

It had just been another day of work when Jet saw some faces he was positive he'd never see again.

He'd just finished his run, dropping off all the mail he needed to deliver when he saw a familiar blue, dressed girl hanging up a poster in the alley. Jet was determined to get away before Katara noticed him considering their previous encounter. He must have stepped on something because Katara whipped around and had him frozen to the wall in seconds.

"What are you doing here, Jet? "

Jet sighed, "Can we not do this today? I'm just trying to get home in time for dinner tonight, is that so bad?"

"I don't believe you. You tried to destroy a village."

"You've seen what the Fire Nation does to innocent people. I wasn't going to let another village suffer because of them."

"And I'm sure flooding those people's homes was the solution to that."

Jet was pretty fed up with this. He still had things to do today. "If you'd stayed for just a while longer, you would have seen that no one got hurt. The dam had been empty for months. We just used it as a trick to scare the soldiers out of the village."

After that the rest of Katara's friends showed up and somehow he got roped into helping them find Aang's bison, even after the Avatar's earthbending teacher proved that he wasn't lying. He took them back to the apartment so that they'd have a place to brainstorm since they were convinced that their house was being watched and monitored by 'Joo Dee.' Longshot, Smellerbee and Dao agreed to help with the mission.

After capturing one of the Dai Lee agents, they got a lead to a hidden bunker where the bison could be. Aang's earthbending teacher created a tunnel for them to enter through. They found the bison, but were confronted by the leader of the Dai Lee and a great number of his agents.

Jet took a bad hit. He felt a few cracks in his ribs, but he'd survive.

They escaped. Narrowly, but they managed to escape with all their lives intact. 

Longshot wrapped his ribs once they got back to the apartment. And for another night they went back to their new lives.




Ba Sing Se fell to the hands of General Iroh of the Fire Nation.

There was no point in staying in the city now. It was just as dangerous as the rest of the world. They had to find the rest of the Freedom Fighters... soon.

Late one night, they backed up all their supplies and slipped out of the city and headed towards the coastline in hopes of getting as far away from Ba Sing Se as they could.

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