Principal From Another Planet

Start from the beginning

"People won't stop talking," Adam says.

"Leo, please tell me you don't buy into all that lame folklore." Mr. Davenport says walking up to Leo.

"It's not folklore, it's true," Leo says. "During the last eclipse, I saw a bird fly backwards, and no one believed me."

"It's not that we didn't believe you. We just don't care about the things you say." Bree says.

"Leo, an eclipse is an astronomical event, okay? It's not witchcraft, it's science." Mr. Davenport says. "Nothing bad is gonna happen tonight." Perry runs through the front door, panting. "And I spoke too soon."

"Quick, everybody hide," Perry says. "Get down, get down, get down, get down." She ducks behind the couch.

"Principal Perry, what's wrong?" Chase asks.

"It might be faster to ask her what's right," Bree says.

"Okay, I was up on my neighbor's roof borrowing their solar panels...when I saw it." Perry says.

"Saw what?" I ask.

"The spacecraft. The aliens are using the lunar eclipse to hide their spaceship and invade Earth." Perry says.

"Yeah, I read about this in line at the supermarket. It's true, aliens live among us." Adam says. "Oh, and Ryan Seacrest has a great meatloaf recipe. The secret...crackers."

"You see? You see, I told you. Weird things are gonna happen tonight." Leo says. "First, Principal Perry sees a spaceship, and then, Adam claims to have read something."

"Look, there are no such things as aliens." Mr. Davenport says. "Okay? It's all made up. There's a reason it's called science fiction."

"Hey, I know UFO's. I spent a lot of nights sleeping alone in the desert, and not just because my family dumped me there and drove off." Perry says. "I definitely saw a spaceship tonight."

"Just like the time you definitely saw Bigfoot, and it was just your toes in the mirror?" Chase says.

"It was dark," Perry says. "Look, I know what I saw, and when the aliens invade, I'll be safely barricaded in your underground lab." She runs down to the lab.

"Well, on the bright side, a girl actually showed up to Chase's party," Adam says.

When we all walked down to the lab, we saw that Perry had built a small fort she was hiding in. "Don't anybody move."

"Why not?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"I wanna remember exactly what you look like before you get ripped apart by aliens," Perry says.

"Do you have any redeeming qualities?" Bree asks Perry.

"Is having violent mood swings considered redeeming?" Perry says walking out from behind her barricade. We all just gave her weird looks. "I asked you a question!"

"Okay, I'm going to put this whole alien nonsense to rest once and for all with real science." Mr. Davenport says. We all walked over to his cyber desk and he pulled up a feed of the eclipse. "This is NASA's satellite feed of the lunar eclipse. And as you maniacs can see..."

"Wait. Something just moved in front of the moon." I say. "Look, right there in the shadow."

"She's right," Leo says.

"It's the spaceship. Like an infected mole, I can spot 'em a mile away, or a foot away since I got a chunk of 'em on my hands." Perry says.

"Eww!" We all say as we give her disgusted looks.

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