Chapter 1:the meeting

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I was practing my quads for the upcoming national when coach Brian called me

"Aiko come here i have to ask you"coach Brian said

"Yes coach what is it??"i asked out of breath

"Can you speak Japanese?"coach asked me

"Umm i guess i can try its been months since i spoke Japanese"i said

"Good i need your help with it later"coach Brian said to me and then walked away

Well that was weird i thought i got back to training and a few minutes later coach called us all and said

"We have a new member of the team so please be nice ok, introduce yourself kiddo"coach said

"Hello my name is Yuzuru hanyu im from japan and im 17 years old thats all thank you"he said with his cute broken english

"Aw man im still the youngest"i said

"Hahahhaha atleast your the baby of team orser chica"javi said laughing

"Hey aiko can you come here" coach tracy called me

"I have to go javi talk to you later"i said while grabbing my guards

"Yes coach you called?"i asked

"Can you help yuzuru with his english when you finish your school work?"tracy asked me

"Um i already skipped grade levels so i finished high school"i asked awkwardly smiling

"Good now you can explain to him everything and can you give him a tour ok kiddo?"tracy said

"Ok ill try my best"i said i turned around and told told yuzuru

"Hey my name is Aiko Yamazaki"i said in Japanese smiling and bowed to him

"My name is Yuzuru hanyu you can call me yuzu nice to meet you"he said while bowing

I gave him a tour around tcc and introduced him to everyone
Then explained everything he needs to know

"That is all but according to tracy you need to improve your english to be able to join competitions"i said to him

"But for now i can be your translator
And you can start training any day you want"i added smiling

"Aika-chan can i start now?"he said

"Sure did you bring you bring your skates yuzu-kun??" I asked him

"Um yes its in my bag let me go get it"he said then he came back with his bag

"Yuzu-kun coach said we are training partners now you can go warm up now"i said while grabbing my mouth piece to secure my braces

"Why do you wear a mouth piece??"he
Asked me then i smiled and pointed to my braces

"Aww you look so cute smiling"he said while pinching my cheeks

"Hey stop flirting and start practicing"
Coach said

Time Skip—————

"Yuzu-kun time to go now"i said removing my mouth piece

"Ok"he said out of breath
I took of my skates and wiped of the ice in the blades

"Hey you need a ride?"he asked

"No thanks"i said

"Can i get you number??"he asked
While giving me his phone and i put my number in it

"Thanks stay safe ok?"he said to me while saying bye

Then my phone started vibrating
I picked it up and answered the call

"Hello who is this??"i said with a confused tone

"Hey Aiko missed me"the man said

Then my expression changed when i realized who it was i stopped the call immediately and coach notices my expression

"Its him again is it"coach orser said

"Thought you already got a restraining order??"coach tracy said

"Its ok don't worry coach i can handle
this"i said while trembling

"Bye guys stay safe"i said while running to my car and driving as fast as i can to my house

When i got home i video called mom immediately

"Mama hes back"i said crying

"I thought he was in prison??"my mom said worrying

"Todays the day he gets out remember, mama I'm scared" i said trembling

"Its ok babi well find a way ok for now get some rest?"my mom said worrying and i nodded

Then i just went to sleep

This is the first chapter i hope you like it and please follow and vote me🥺🙏

Thats all i hope you like it
And please support a young writer

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