Chapter One : The Incident

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It was a warm summer evening, and I was hanging out with my best friend, Emily. We had just finished our freshman year of high school, and we were both excited for summer break.

"Hey, have you heard about the party at Jake's tonight?" Emily asked, scrolling through her phone.

I rolled my eyes. "Why does everyone always want to go to Jake's? He's such a jerk."

Emily shrugged. "I don't know, but everyone's going to be there. It could be fun."

I hesitated. I wasn't really in the mood for a party, but I didn't want to let Emily down. "Okay, let's go," I said with a sigh.

We arrived at the party around 9 PM, and the place was already packed. Loud music blared from the speakers, and the smell of beer and cigarettes filled the air. I felt out of place and uncomfortable, but I tried to act like I was having a good time.

After a while, Emily disappeared into the crowd, and I found myself wandering around the party by myself. I didn't know anyone else there, and I felt like a total outsider.

As I made my way outside to get some fresh air, I saw Jake and his friends hanging out near a group of cars. They were laughing and drinking, and I felt a pang of jealousy. Why did they get to be so carefree and happy, while I felt like I was stuck in a rut?

Suddenly, I heard a loud screeching noise, and I turned to see a car speeding towards us. I froze, unable to move as the car careened towards me. The last thing I remember is the sound of shattering glass and the feeling of being tossed around like a rag doll. Then everything went black.

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