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After a little while, the school opened and I made got in without any major problems, it didn't take long for me to know my way around the school. The only huge difference between rich schools and common schools are how the students and teachers act towards each other, in rich schools, the students don't seem to pay attention in class; while students in 'common' schools tend to pay more attention, hoping to get higher grades. 

Somehow, before the school year started, I managed to get both a female and male dress code for myself, since I'm genderfluid, I tend to switch between female and male clothing; and somehow, my parents are fine with my genderfluidity.

I made it to my first class of the day, barely keeping track of the time, after what felt like five minutes, it was lunch time! I asked one of my maids to make me something... homemade, hoping to not have to leave for the cafeteria for food.

It didn't take too much convincing to get all the students, teachers, and anyone else in the school that I'm a guy. As I walked through the halls, some of the girls looked at me and blushed before turning back to her friends and pointing while whispering. I was a little worried before remembering that all that mattered were my family members, anyone else could do whatever they wanted and think whatever they want about me, not that that'll change my opinion on them.

During my childhood, I managed to find a way to switch between living in the mansion, and a house we rent in a different area. Luckily, the majority of my childhood was in the house we were renting, during that time, it was just Mom, Dad, and I, so there weren't any maids or butlers to get things done for us; and I'm glad I was raised that way, even if it causes me to be uncomfortable to be around those people now.

Looking up from my lunch, I see the two twins standing in front of my desk, leaning on either side of the desk. The twins both had ginger-like hair and amber-coloured eyes, they seemed to be mirroring each other, honestly, it was kind of funny.

"The Sensei didn't give us your name-" one started, but the other continued his sentence.

"Or your hobbies-" the other said, they seemed to be one person in two bodies, talking as if one person; it's really cool, but I'm not going to tell them that.

"You have very feminine features for a boy-"

"He does!" The other agreed, they looked at each other before looking back at me for, what I think is what they want, an explanation.

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