Chapter 1: The Wall With Abs

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"Haha, you're an ugly loser y/n. Just look at you. Ew, run away. Go on, shoo!!" Rebecca-chan said. I thought she was my bestest friend ever. Tears swelled up in my eyes, making my bright, beautiful, sparkly, turquoise, sea, sky blue orbs sparkle even more.  I moved my legs and started running down the hall, wiping my eyes. Suddenly, I slammed into a wall. I looked up and realized that walls don't have rock-hard abs and a chiseled face that resembled one of a gorgeous god. That "wall" was Jake.

"S-s-s-s-sorry...," I stuttered. He pulled me up and pinned me against the lockers.

"You're mine," he said hotly, his raven black hair blowing in the wind. "I'm so cool and rich and I own everything in this school, which means I own you too, y/n." My face flushed as red as the Chick-Fil-A logo as he gently wiped away my tears and leaned in. His soft, plum, luxurious, amazing, beautiful lips met mine and it felt like heaven. I loved my Jakey Senpai so much that it hurt when we stopped playing tongue tennis. But, we had to because we heard a scream down the hallway. We both looked to see my ex-bestie, Rebecca, with her eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"H-h-how???" she screamed. "HOW DID YOU SCORE MY JAKEY SNOOKUMS BOO BOO BEAR BABY CAKES PUMPKIN SWEET CHEEKS, Y/N??" I walked towards her and stared at her while her nostrils flared violently and ugly tears and snot came out of her jealous face.

"Because I'm a cute, kawaii girl unlike you Rebecca," I replied. Then I punched her with ALL of my strength, but only made her head cock to the side because I'm just a weak little kawaii UwU girl. She looked back at me and clenched her fist. I took a step backwards in fear, but she was already swinging her fist of non-cute anger. I closed my eyes and braced for impact but her fist never hit my face. I looked up to see Jake in front of me, blocking Rebecca's punch. Blue lightning was flying out of his hand because he has senpai, hot, god, amazing, hot hot hot lightning powers. My bright, beautiful, sparkly, turquoise, sea, sky blue orbs sparkled even more because I was in the presence of such greatness. Jake used all of his power to punch Rebecca, making her fly across the country and land into the stinky anti-UwU country, WeHateUwUs. I hate WeHateUwUs. That country stinks. When Jake was done, he turned back to me and stared into my blue orbs. "I love you my beloved Jakey," I said.

"Shut up and let me kiss you," Jake said.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up," I said with a hmph and scrunched up my face. He grinned and smashed his perfect, god-like, handsome, hot, gorgeous, senpai face onto mine, which made me let out a small UwU. He put his hands into my long, brown, straight hair, but suddenly stopped. "What happened," I ask.

"I... have to go to.... class..................." he replied.


"I'm sorry..... I have to my love.........."

Tears started to form in my blue orbs as he walked away from me and I sank to my knees. What was I going to do now? My precious senpai abandoned me......................

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