Scars And Ashes - Chapter 15

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My head was pounding. Any move set it on fire, and I felt as if I was burning. I gently laid my fingers on my scalp and they drew blood. I looked down and saw my couch drenched in blood. How had I not noticed this?

I quickly got up, needing to get myself clean.

Pain. That’s all I felt. Physical pain. Emotional pain. All types of pain. It was endless. No way out. I wanted to escape my own mind. Just vacate it and go away forever. Just to stop thinking. Stop thinking about the mistakes I made.

It’s your fault for falling Scarlett

It’s your fault for trusting so easily Scarlett

It’s your fault for feeling again Scarlett


No way out. I didn’t want to go to school today. I wanted to stay home and just bath in my own misery and blood. I deserved this anyways, for my foolish mistakes. Monday morning, 7:30 am. Too early to smile.

I was not going to let this rule my life. I will get over this. I should have known better, and guess what? Now I do. I’ll trust no one now. No one is getting under this hard shell. Oh, I’ll show the world.

I got out of bed and headed over to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and stayed there for a while needing the blood to wash away, needing myself to be pure once again. The pain was indescribable. Any sudden motion would make me cringe.  I scrubbed my teeth clean and my face. Erasing the tear strokes with water, washing away all the unwanted memories.

What to wear today? I saw a dress peaking out at the back of my closet. It was a mint green color that went to my knees. I got some white knitted tights a white scarf and my UGGS and I was ready.

Slipping everything on, I delicately brought out my makeup. Or whatever scraps I had. I saw some mascara, and remembered Trent saying it’s for your eyelashes so I hesitantly started brushing the wand through. I got some hot pink lip gloss and slapped it on my lips. Not really sure what to do with the eye shadow; I picked the golden color and put some on my eyelids, hoping I was doing this right.

I put my hair in a bun; hoping to cover any marks that lay on my head. I was fine. No one needed to know otherwise.

I did a pretty good job actually, I thought as I saw my reflection I the mirror. Grabbing my school bag and long black trench coat, I headed outside. I turned my keys into the ignition, and started my way to school.

I entered through the doors confidently, ignoring the constant jabs of pain my head would send through me. I went over to my locker and got my necessary books and slammed it shut and headed over to class, for a long boring lecture about history.

I was a little early, so I was in class before anyone else. As each student filed in a few minutes later their gaze lifted to my face and lingered there. Then they would take a seat and whisper to their friend beside them.

I wasn’t really paying attention until Ash came in. His eyes extremely hopeful, yet he should know other than a cold stare from me was all he was going to get.

My walls were up.

“Hi Scarlett.” He said giving me this petty smile. Oh he can just go cut the crap. My expression did not waver or change. It stayed the same. Blank and cold.

He sighed and sat down. All throughout class he would turn to look at me, but my eyes stayed directed at the chalk board. As the clock struck 9:45 am, the class hurriedly got out of their seats for the next class, eagerly waiting lunch.

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