Chapter 13: The second Resurrection of Soichiro Yagami

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L stood in the underground base, the piece of God Note in his hand. He wrote down a name - Soichiro Yagami. Within minutes, the former Chief of the National Police Agency and Light Yagami's father was standing before them, looking just as he had the day he died.

Soichiro looked around in confusion and shock, his eyes wide as they fell on L. "You... you're alive," he murmured. L nodded in acknowledgment, his face remaining stoic as ever.

"L," Soichiro said, looking at the detective. "I owe you an apology. I was wrong about my son... about Light. He's... he's Kira."

L remained silent, his gaze steady on Soichiro. "You brought me back, Soichiro-san," L said finally. "In doing so, you risked everything... even your life. For that, I thank you."

Soichiro nodded, his eyes filled with regret. "I had to do something. Light... he's my son. But he's also Kira. And as a police officer, it's my duty to stop him."

The room was quiet, the weight of Soichiro's words hanging in the air. The father of the man they were trying to stop was standing with them, ready to join their cause. It was a powerful testament to the complex battle they were fighting - not just against Kira, but against the very concept of justice itself.

L nodded, his gaze never leaving Soichiro. "Welcome back, Soichiro-san. Let's put an end to this... together."

With renewed determination, the team prepared for the battle ahead. With Soichiro on their side, they were ready to face Kira. The world was watching, and the endgame was about to begin.

A few weeks before Mello's disappearance, he and Light had a secret meeting. It was late at night, in a secluded part of the city where they were unlikely to be disturbed.

"Mello," Light began, his voice as cool and controlled as ever, "I'm surprised you asked to meet me."

Mello crossed his arms, his gaze steady on Light. "I wanted to talk to you, Kira," he said, a hint of defiance in his voice. "About your new world."

Light tilted his head, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "And what do you think of it?"

Mello was silent for a moment, his eyes never leaving Light's. "I think... you may be onto something."

Light's smirk widened. This was an outcome he had predicted. Mello, the impulsive and hot-headed detective, was beginning to see things his way.

"I've always done things my way," Mello continued, "even if it wasn't always the right way. But now, I see what you're doing, and I think... I think it's necessary. The law doesn't do enough, but you... you're making a difference."

Light leaned back, his smirk now a full-blown smile. "So, you're saying you want to help me?"

Mello nodded, his expression resolute. "Yes, Kira. I want to help you."

Light extended his hand, a silent offer. Mello took it, the handshake symbolizing their unlikely alliance.

Little did Mello know, Light had anticipated this. He knew Mello was frustrated, disillusioned with the system. And he was ready to exploit it, ready to use Mello for his own ends.

Because in this new world, there was no room for half-measures. And Light was ready to do whatever it took to ensure his reign as Kira continued unchallenged.

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