Transfer Student Time, 2nd Period

Start from the beginning

"Korosensei, you scaredy-cat!" Sugaya exclaims.

"He's spooked enough to use his liquefy trick!" Kimura says.

"Well, Ritsu was telling all those scary stories!" Korosensei defends himself, hastily returning back to his normal form and greeting our guest. "N-Nice to meet you, Shiro. And where is our new student?"

"It's a pleasure, Korosensei." Shiro says, pulling some kind of bar from his sleeve. "He's a rather unique child, in personality and otherwise. I'll introduce him myself." Shiro says, taking a few more steps into the classroom, suddenly pausing and locking eyes with Nagisa.

"Yes?" Korosensei questions.

"Oh, just... You've got good kids here. I'm sure he'll fit right in." Shiro says. "Now to introduce him: Hey, Itona! Come on in." Shiro calls. A second passes before there's a large crash at the back of the classroom, a plume of dust swirling around the area, a short male emerging from it and wordlessly taking a seat at the desk between Karma and Terasaka. He stares forward so intensely I'm almost surprised that his eyes don't pop out of his head.

"I won. I proved that I'm stronger than that classroom wall." Who I assume is 'Itona' says. Okay, we're all a little weird here, but this is next level.

"Use the damn door!" We all yell.

"That's all that matters. That's all." He mutters, clasping his hands on top of his desk. A few of the people sitting near him stand up, ready to move if they need to. I turn to Korosensei to see his reaction. What the hell kind of expression is that? The only thing I can think of to explain that even partly would be 'bamboozled.'

"This is Itona Horibe. Please call him Itona." Shiro says.

"Say, Itona, something's been bugging me." Karma says. "You came in from outside, right? Empty-handed? It's raining buckets out there, and yet there's not a drop of it on you." Itona brings his gaze up to rest on the redhead. Me and the rest of my classmates turn to observe Itona. Wow, I hadn't even noticed that. Then Itona stands up, facing Karma who eyes him, looking bored with the whole situation.

"You're probably the strongest one in class. But don't fret." Itona says, bringing a hand up to rest on Karma's head, leaning in as he strokes the top of Karma's head. "I have no interest in killing those weaker than me. The only ones I do want to kill..." he says, walking away from Karma and towards the front of the room. "Are those who could be stronger than me. And in this classroom, Korosensei... That's you." Itona says, no particular emotion showing on his face while Korosensei munches away on a jelly bar, the item Shiro had earlier pulled from his sleeve.

"When you say 'strong' and 'weak,' do you refer to fighting ability, Itona?" Korosensei asks, his smile more amused than normal as Itona points a finger at him unflinchingly. "In terms of strength, you and I are worlds apart."

"We're closer than you think." Itona says, retracting him arm and pulling an identical jelly bar from his pocket. "After all... we're brothers by blood."

"Eh?! B— B— B— B— Brothers?!" We all screech. Then Itona does something only a crazy person would do. He takes a large bite from his jelly bar, with the wrapper on! That's almost a bigger shock than the 'brother' thing.

"The loser dies, Brother." Itona says through his mouthful of jelly bar and wrapper, pointing the rest of the bar up at our teacher. Korosensei is unable to speak; Itona swallows. "Sibling have no need for cheap tricks. I will kill you and prove my strength. We face off after school. Here, in this classroom." Itona says, walking out of the classroom after Shiro and closing the door behind them. We all sit in silence before launching from our chairs, hurling countless questions at Korosensei.

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