~C҇h҇a҇p҇t҇e҇r҇ 4: Mixed Feelings??~

Start from the beginning

Y/N giggled a bit.

Y/N: Could you actually play the role Chris?
Chris: Yes. I'll know exactly how to act.
Y/N: How would you know exactly how to act then?

Chris took a heavy breath and looked down at the ground.

Chris: Because I've been trafficked before...
Y/N:.....Oh...I didn't know....
Chris: It's whatever.

Y/N didn't say anything else. She knew it was probably hard for him to talk about so she kept quiet. She went ahead and put the paper with role on it, in front of him.

Y/N: Ok the next one is between me and Mars. Mars would you want to be the female kidnapper?
Mars: No! I don't really know how to act as a kidnapper, but maybe you can.
Y/N: Ok then.

~After about 1 hour and 30 minutes~

They all chose they're roles in the operation.

Y/N and Chris would have to pretend to be a toxic couple to fit the part of a kidnapping couple.

Changbin and Felix are going to be the nighttime cleaners of Duri's. While it's night they'll find plans for the trafficking.

The other are all back ups in case something goes wrong. They also are the ones who get the information first after discovery. Mars will be a maid in the area they keep the boys and girls.

Chris and Y/N were back in they're room. Talking.

Y/N: So Chris, since it's just you and me. Can you tell me about what happened when you got trafficked?
Chris: Oh-uh...

Chris hesitated for a bit.

Chris: I was 8 years old when it happened...I was living in Australia with my family. I was playing one day in the street when a van came up beside me...2 big guys came out and snatched me. All I did was scream for help but no one came in time...
Y/N: Oh god...

Chris took a deep breath.

Chris: Then when we got to the warehouse they took me to...the put me in this small dog crate..with a water bowl and food bowl..I was in there for about a week until I was given to these men. They made me do all they're chores for them for the next 2 years. They would also make me stand in the corner of they're bedrooms while they would have sex with all these girls every night..
Y/N: Oh my god, that's disgusting!

Chris nodded his head.

Chris: They barely every gave me food. I had to secretly leave the house to look for scraps in dumpsters when they were asleep.
Y/N: That's awful..
Chris: Yep...eventually though I was sold to another awful person for 4 1/2 years. This person though, once I turned 13 and had finally hit puberty, made me put a mask on and stay pinned down to a chair back stage in a Strip Club while a bunch of random whores would just jump on my dick not knowing how old I was. Thank god the guys would let me have a condom though, hehe.
Y/N: At least there was that to be grateful for I guess.
Chris: Yeah. As much as it would a dream come true for a 13 year old boy at the time it was not that way for me..

Chris stopped and looked at Y/N.

Chris: But then...they sold me to JYP, and well...Mr. Park showed me what love was when I forgotten all about it!
Y/N: That's really sweet!
Chris: Yeah.

Chris laid on his back and looked up at the ceiling. He then asked this question.

Chris: So...what happened between you and that Geun Duri guy??
Y/N: Oh....let's just say he was a toxic boyfriend who didn't like seeing a woman that he "owned" outside of a hospital. He preferred me in one...
Chris: Wait are you saying he....abused you??
Y/N: Y-yeah...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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