~C҇h҇a҇p҇t҇e҇r҇ 4: Mixed Feelings??~

Depuis le début

(Meeting room)

Mars: Woooww! When did you get this room??
Y/N: About 6 months ago. I needed a meeting room instead of doing meetings virtually.
Felix: Understandable.

Y/N then showed them to they're seats and gave them all folders. Each one containing different information about an operation.

Lee Know: So why did you call us here today boss?

Y/N sat down in her seat and turned on the remote to the TV on the wall.

A picture of a man showed up. He was ruff and tough looking like an old nail that's been through plenty of storms.

The man was tall, handsome with black slicked back hair, and dark eyes where you can see your fears in them, and a scar going across his right eye making him clearly blind in the eye.

Y/N: As you can see here...there is a man, who is obviously powerful..
Mars: Clearly.
Y/N: Well I have a mission...it's gonna require all of us.
Changbin: First off, who is this guy?

Y/N looked down a bit nervously. Mars also didn't know who he was. Y/N started stuttering a bit.

Y/N: H-h-he's my e-ex....

Everyone in the room could hear the tremble in her voice. They all knew despite her being so strong and tough, she had a weak spot. They just didn't know it would be someone else..

Mars: Are you ok Y/N?..
Y/N: Y-yeah it's just....it's complicated...
Hyunjin: Don't worry boss. If you don't want to talk about it now then it's ok..
Y/N: Thank you Hyunjin.. But I should tell you about him so you know what's going on.

Y/N went back to serious. She took out some notes and files on him.

Y/N: Ok. His name is Geun Duri. Duri I found out in the past year he has been running this operation.
Han: What type of operation?
Y/N: Sex Trafficking.

Chris was obviously pissed off just by the thought. The boys knew how pissed off he gets at these things, they also know how he is when he's mad...and it's not pretty.

Seungmin: Channie-Hyung don't get so pissed off so quickly and let her explain before you say something.
Chris: Fine, whatever Seungmin..
Y/N: Thank you Seungmin.

Y/N cleared her throat and began to give information about Duri.

Y/N: Over the past year I've been tracking his steps. He's so far trafficked a total of 345 boys and girls.
Mars: That's a lot...
Y/N: It is. So what I want us all to do is ruin his operation. If you look in your folders I have given you all files and information of his main areas of trafficking and his dealings, etc.

Y/N then got up to get papers and stood at the front of the meeting table.

Y/N: We're all going to be going under cover for this mission over the next 2 months. First we need to choose the roles of everyone.

Y/N took out a paper and held it up.

Y/N: The first role is male kidnapper. Who wants it.
Changbin: What does he do?
Y/N: He'll be partnered with either me or Mars and he'll pretend to work with Duri as one of his kidnappers. This role will get you the closest to Duri, so you'll get good information.
Felix: Does the male kidnapper work with a female kidnapper, so either you or Mars?
Y/N: Yes.
Felix: Ok I—
Chris: I'll do it.
Felix: But I wa—
Chris: We both know you wouldn't be able to play the role.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 17, 2023 ⏰

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