First Day On The Job, Please Be Patient!

Start from the beginning

She turns around and is instantly shocked by Y/n's sudden appearance.

Kanon: "Y/n-kun?! What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be with your uncle going to Nijigasaki?"

Y/n: *He smiles* "I was just hiding the surprise. I'm actually going to be the first boy attending Yuigaoka Girls' High School."

Kanon: "EH?! You're attending Yuigaoka?"

Y/n: "My mom was actually the original owner."

Kanon: "That's incredible! Have you seen Chii-chan yet?"

Y/n: "Not yet." I've yet to see Chisato-chan or Ren-chan. "That means you haven't seen her either, yet?"

Kanon: "Not yet."

With the two friends reuniting, they start their walk to school together. Or so they thought... The girl from earlier rushes over to Kanon, paying Y/n no mind.

Girl: *In Chinese* "That was amazing!"

Kanon: "W-What?!"

Girl: *She takes hold of Kanon's hands* "Your singing is so amazing!"

Kanon: "Wait, is that Chinese?!"

Girl: *She gets closer* "I heard you a moment ago, would you sing for me? Let's be school idols!"

Kanon: "You're too close!"

She jumps back and stumbles to her feet.

Kanon: *In broken Chinese* "Hello, thank you, small dumpling, goodbye!"

She grabs Y/n by the hand and starts running.

Kanon: *Back to Japanese* "She's scary!"

Girl: *In Japanese* "Wait up!"

Y/n: "The alley!"

They swiftly whip around and lose the girl. They spot a big car and hide behind it.

Kanon: "An overseas student? Just because I let my guard down and started singing..."

Chisato: "What are you doing?"

Kanon: "Wha!"

Y/n/Kanon: "Chisato-chan/Chii-chan?"

Chisato: "Y/n-kun?"

Y/n: "The one and oni! At your service."

Chisato: *She smiles brightly* So there's still hope. "What are you doing here? You didn't steal someone's uniform, did you?"

Y/n: "I would never! Starting today, we're all official members of Yuigaoka Girls' High School."

Chisato: "Yeah, but... You're not a girl."

Y/n: "Yeah, well, I'm a special case."

Chisato: *She clasps his hands* "Either way, I'm glad to see you again. I look forward to seeing you around."

She looks around confused from earlier.

Chisato: "But, uh, why are you guys hiding here?"

Kanon: "There's a weird girl over there!"

Chisato: "Huh?"

She lets go of Y/n's hands and forms binoculars. Looking around, there isn't a person in sight.

Chisato: "There's no one here."

Kanon: "Thank goodness."

She stands up and sighs. Her looming presence is gone.

Kanon: "Chii-chan, the music uniform looks great on you."

Chisato giggles with confidence.

Kanon: "You managed to get in, so do your best with your dancing!"

Wait, Let Me Write That Down Real Quick. (Liella x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now