The curb

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As the night went on more of the refreshments were drunk and eaten and the party seemed to become more and more hyped. People began standing on their desks singing karaoke and while Jon found it unprofessional the whole party was quite amusing and entertaining. Jon found Davis in the crowd of people and began joking around with him while drinking the punch from the refreshments table. Jon noticed something off about the punch's flavor but figured it must have been a cheap brand or something as a way of saving money. Once Jon finished his punch he threw away his cup at one of the office's trash cans when Davis stepped on a spinning chair and began using the wall of one of the office cubical to spin himself around while singing along with the song currently playing. Jon laughed before Davis got down wobbling with the hiccups and throwing up in a trash can.
"Woah there bud, maybe you should head home you seem sick," Jon said laughing while holding back Davis' hair and beard as he bent over the trash can.
"I'm supposed to drive Kat home though," Davis said in an exhausted tone after throwing up twice.
"You stay here, I'll go find Kat and send her your way and she can drive you home, she has a license you know," Jon said while setting Davis down in an office chair and rolling the chair over near the trash can. Jon then walked over to his office where Kat had been filing paperwork during the party. He didn't realize how loud the party was until he closed the door behind him as he entered his office and the soundproof walls muted the party's noise. Kat looked over at him with a look of confusion on her face.
"Davis is sick and is in ****'s cubical throwing up," Jon said. Kat's eyes widened and a look of concern covered her face.
"Is he okay?" Kat asked.
"He's fine but you should probably give him a ride home, don't worry about the paperwork it can wait until tomorrow," Jon replied. Kat said her thank yous before darting out the door to take Davis home. Once Jon stepped back outside his office he noticed a wave of nausea wash over him and figured it'd be a good idea to find Bryan and either drive back to the park or Jon's house. He wasn't quite sure where to go yet, the park was Bryan's home but Jon didn't want to let Bryan out of his sight in fear that something would happen to him.
Jon searched around for a while and eventually found Bryan talking to the new CFO. Valerie seemed to have an amused look on her face, almost threatening. Bryan seemed to be uncomfortable and when he had a response you could tell it was quiet and stuttered. Jon listened to parts of their conversation but couldn't hear much over everyone laughing and partying around him. Jon did however hear the mention of the words 'father' and 'therapist' and decided he needed to get Bryan out of there. Jon walked over trying to act unaware of the situation and called Bryan over saying it was time to go. Bryan quickly waved goodbye and speed walked to Jon and once the two met Jon grabbed Bryan's lower wrist and dragged him through the crowd of people to the stairwell.
"What did she do to you?" Jon asked while going down the stairs.
"She didn't do anything," Bryan responded still sounding shaken up.
"Well she obviously did something," Jon said sounding agitated with slightly slurred S's. Jon and Bryan got to the bottom of the stairwell and were beginning to make their way to the front door.
"She was the person who hired me, we were catching up a bit," Bryan said sounding tense. "Are you okay?" Bryan asked. By now the business owners made it to the front door and Jon seemed to be unable to walk in a straight line and seemed wobbly.
"I think so?" Jon replied stepping outside.
"Did you take the wrong medication maybe?" Asked Bryan.
"All I've had in the past few hours was the punch, Jon said stepping into the parking lot.
"Might've been something in the punch, it did have a weird spice to it," Bryan replied following Jon. Jon paused in the parking lot for a moment.
"Do you think someone spiked the punch?" Jon asked. Bryan's face grew a shocked expression as Jon laughed at the thought. A professional at a business-mandated party spiked the punch like it was a college rave.
"Should we go tell everyone?" Bryan asked slightly concerned.
"It's too late now people are starting to drive home now," Jon said while gesturing to the cars driving out of the parking lot around them. "Best we can do is hurry up and leave here before the street gets crowded with these people," Jon said before speeding off to the car with Bryan following five to ten feet behind him. A loud high-pitched screech filled the air followed by a loud thud and Jon looked to see a car quickly drifting out of the parking lot.
"Idiot probably hit a curb, we better hurry the crazies are already leaving," Jon said with a laugh. Jon took 5 steps before realizing Bryan wasn't walking with him. Jon turned around in confusion and didn't see Bryan anywhere. Jon looked down and realized that it wasn't a curb that the car had hit, it was a person.

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