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Minie Want it


JIMIN tears fall as he look away crossing his arms on his chest jungkook sigh closing his eyes for a minute while taehyung sitting half asleep

"why?" jimin wailed shaking his head "jimin please it's 2:30Am" jungkook softly said, they all sleeping soundly when they jolted

with crying jimin because he want to eat a avocado ice cream in 2:30Am which they find weird jimin usually didn't do that

"b-but i want it! let me go out and I'll buy my ice cream" jungkook didn't answer he laid down back facing jimin, jimin heart sank

he just want an ice cream he just want to eat it "tae?" he asked yet found taehyung already laying down as well he sigh rubbing his belly softly

"can you two get up?, please" he plead yet no one did both tired and not minding him jimin face become red he look at them before removing the duvet on them

he stomp his foot glaring the his two husbands "okay you two don't want to buy with me i guess" he stood on the side of the bed, grabbing jungkook's hands "it's fine" he added before twisting jungkook's arms

"ahh! fuck baby why?" jungkook is now wide awake he look at jimin who have a smirk on his cute face "i want to eat a ice cream!" stomping his foot on the floor "kim taehyung get up!" jimin get his slippers and smack taehyung's ass

"whyyyyy?" whined by taehyung "i said i want to eat an ice cream! i want avocado ice cream!" taehyung want to cry while jungkook still hissing

"let's go" jungkook look at his own brother "what's wrong with him?" he whisper "kook i don't either know" taehyung whisper back

"faster" they both jump and forced a smile even they need to sleep as its freaking 2:30Am they are so tired yet doesn't have any strength to upset the pouting blonde


JIMIN looked up to jungkook with tears on his eyes while taehyung already arguing with the staffs of convenience store

jimin are all giddy and beaming in happiness when he entered the store but that went all came down when he found nothing he likes

he start crying making his husbands panicked they didn't know what's happening to their wife he's so clingy easily get emotional

"baby you can pick whatever you want" taehyung said he really want to kill the staff because they doesn't have avocado ice cream yet he can't let jimin see that

"anything?" jungkook nodded sitting outside with taehyung "we will wait here just go and buy everything you want" jimin nodded bouncing on his step like a kid

after an hour they now walking back to their home jimin also wants to walk jungkook and taehyung are holding a bunch of plastic bags they doesn't know what's Inside of it

opening the main door they see the maids and men all worrying "boss someone send this" yeonjun handed them a box with suspicious wrap

"ohh what is that? can i see?" jimin cutely asked he snatched the box from jungkook "ohh who are the kind person will send a gift to us?" jungkook hurriedly get the box "jimin what if this is harmful for you?" jimin only pout

"but what if there's something? like like an ice cream" he giggle clapping his hands "can i see?" jungkook shot a glare "no" he firmly said

"jimin go sit on the couch we will join you later" taehyung carefully said not to upset the blonde who pouting but nodding his head "fine you two still better to show that to me! or else you two will sleep at couch! forever" jungkook chuckle taehyung just salute while jimin scrunched his nose

the maids follow the mad cute baby that whispering incoherent words jungkook and taehyung walk to their meeting room

that located at basement of the house

they open the box and what inside of it shocked them they didn't expect it


minie will get it

i really love bossy and preggy jimin

sorry stars i can't update i have a fever!😭

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