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"Do we riot?"

Yuki Tsunoda questioned his team principal as she stood beside him, a glare on her face as she watched from a distance as her other driver, Pierre, was made uncomfortable in an interview.

"Grab the hose pipe, sweetie. We'll start a water fight and pretend to accidentally spray that dick with it."

Sakura Aoki spoke as she clenched her fists, nodding her head once as she heard her youngest driver immediately obey, his footsteps sounding as he ran off.

How dare they?

How dare somebody speak to Pierre as if he was a piece of garbage! He was one of her drivers, her boys, and she'd be damned if she would ever let somebody talk down to him and patronise him.

"Drench me first so it looks like the water fight already started." Yuki uttered as he handed her the hose pipe, holding his arms out wide as he allowed himself to be soaked with the freezing cold water.

Pierre Gasly furrowed his eyebrows together as he heard his team mate squealing loudly as he ran away from their team principal, who was chasing after the boy with a hose pipe full with water.

He noticed his team boss running in heels with a small smile on her face, but noticed the smallest of glints in her eyes which signalled that she was up to something else.

The French man screamed as he found himself covered in the freezing cold water, though he felt smugness fill his chest as he noticed how the interviewer who had been making him uncomfortable was now dripping wet too.

Arms wrapped around him as he was yanked backwards, turning to see his team mate grinning at him with a scheming look in his eyes, making it all click in to place.

They were saving him from the interview.

The interviewer tried to run away from the bursts of water, but was unable to as the liquid erupted from the pipe with such force and speed that it made their bodies shiver from the freezing temperatures.

Whilst they were busy with checking their camera for damage, Sakura and Yuki kidnapped their driver back, dragging him back to their garage where the three of them took cover in her office.

"That was a set up, wasn't it?"

Pierre laughed as he noticed how his boss was already grabbing some warmer sweatshirts for her drivers, with the both of them pulling them quickly over their bodies.

"It serves them right for making you uncomfortable, right Boss?" Yuki beamed up at the other two people in the room.

"They get what they deserve when they mess with my drivers." Sakura shot him a wink, seeing his face light up in to a bright smile.

"Are you coming with us to team meal? I know that last time you missed it and it was only Christian there." Pierre asked, seeing her smile grow.

"I'm not missing it this time, even Horny Spice can't put me off."

"Horny Spice?"

Yuki and Pierre erupted in to loud laughter, never expecting their boss to use such words to describe her own boss.

"It's what some of the fans call him, I find it quite fitting. Just don't tell him that it's what I call him." Sakura teased as she took a seat on her office chair, leaning back against the back of the chair.

"Are your siblings going to be at the next race?" Yuki questioned, since he got on quite well with the siblings of his boss.

They treated both Pierre and himself as they wyere their nephews.

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