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"Hey boss!"

Yuki Tsunoda smiled brightly as he entered his garage of AlphaTauri to see his Team Principal, Sakura Aoki walking around with a large cup of herbal tea in her hand.

"Hello Yukino, how are you doing, kiddo?"

Sakura gave her young driver a soft smile as her eyes sparkled at him, since he was always so cheerful which was something that she loved about the small boy.

"I'm great!" Yuki beamed as he walked up to his team principal to give her a hug, which was something that he always did. "I have just finished my workout so I thought that I would come to see you."

Sakura lifted one of her hands up to ruffle the black hair of the Japanese boy as she released a chuckle.

"And the first thing that you do is hug me? Thanks Yuki, I always love being covered in my drivers sweat."

Yuki smiled sheepishly at the elder Japanese, as he gently brought his shoulders up as he raised them. "Sorry."

"Was the workout good? No pulled muscles or strains?" Sakura questioned as she took a sip from her hot cup of herbal tea, since it was her favorite.

"Nope! I'm all good, boss!" Yuki raised his hand in to the air to fist bump the air, enciting a small smile and a quiet chuckle from the Aoki woman.

"Then you have to make sure that you eat well so that we can get you some points at the race." Sakura spoke to the young boy in a mothering tone, before she squinted her eyes at him.

Her eyes caught what she could tell was the left overs of some chocolate that the Tsunoda boy must have eaten, since it was all around his mouth.

Yuki squirmed as his team principal pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe the chocolate away from his face, since he did not realise that he had not wiped his mouth free of leftover food.

"Yukino, stay still." Sakura laughed as she gently shook her head from side to side, smiling happily as the boy squirmed and attempted to get away from her handkerchief.

"No!" Yuki released a laugh as he felt his cheeks being squished together by the hand of his team principal, as she wiped the excess food away.

"There. Jeez, kiddo, you really know how to fidget, don't you?" The Japanese woman laughed as she shook her head from side to side once more, before she brought her hand back up to his head to ruffle his black hair.

"My mom always said the same thing." Yuki admitted as he laughed, since he knew that his boss always acted as if she was his mother, and he always treated her as if she was his second mother.

His mother felt calm knowing that whilst she lived in Japan, that her son had somebody else looking after him and mothering him, and making sure that he would eat well and get a good night sleep every single night.

"We know best, what can we say?"

"You can say that I'm better than Pierre!" Yuki grinned mischievously, seeing his team principals eyes sparkle.

"You know that I can't say that. I love both of my boys exactly the same." Sakura watched the young boy roll his eyes teasingly at her.

"Thanks boss, we love you too."

Pierre Gasly laughed loudly as he walked in to the garage of AlphaTauri and approached his team principal and team mate.

"My favorite little French man, how are you doing today?" Sakura smiled as her other driver walked up to her and gave her a gentle hug.

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