Start from the beginning

"Inosuke! Let him go and I'll bring you some snacks-" He spoke sternly, as Inosuke instinctively let Zenitsu go, still asleep. Zenitsu tumbled onto the floor, since Inosuke let him go when he was leaning over to the side.

"OW! MY HEAD-" Zenitsu screeched, and you covered your ears as your laughter died down, a trembly smile on your face. "[Y/N]!!" Zenitsu cried, latching onto you as you awkwardly patted his head, tilting your head at the apologetic Tanjiro who was tucking Inosuke back into his bed.

"Jeez, Tanjiro— you've practically adopted these two." She teased, gently pushing Zenitsu away as she got up. "Yeah.. I know.." Tanjiro shook his head at the Zenitsu who tried to latch onto you, pulling him back by the shirt.

"I think you should go sleep before I can't control these two anymore—" He spoke, using all of his force to pull Zenitsu away. You laughed, nodding with a smile as you reached the door.

"Goodnight everyone!" You smiled at the three boys, before turning your head to Nezuko's box. "And goodnight to you too, Nezuko." You waved, opening the door and heading out with a soft sigh.

'Damn, they're really a handful..' You thought, still happy to meet your favorite characters, er, well— people now. You slid the door shut, walking down the hall to where Kyojuro was getting ready for nightly patrols.

You stared as he slid his sword into his belt, fixing up his uniform as you smiled at his soft expression.

"Goodnight, Kyojuro." You softly spoke out, feeling content this night and not wanting to stir up much chaos as you leaned against the doorframe, your [h/c] hair pressing against your cheek.

Kyojuro turned to look at you, his smile widening slightly as he spoke in an equally soft voice, (which surprised you) approaching you.

"Goodnight, [Y/N]." His hand reached up, his fingers gently enveloped in your hair as he patted the top of your head, before turning to leave.

You malfunctioned as soon as he turned around, your eyes widening with red splattered across your cheeks. 'He's going to give me a heart attack...' Your heart pounded against your chest, as you looked up to see Kyojuro walking away, your eyes engraving the sight of him into your head.

As you parted your lips to let out a soft sigh, you noticed a tint of red on the visible back of Kyojuro's ears.

'Heart atta-'


You spent the next couple of weeks diligently training (slacking) alongside the others, the Flame Hashira spending more 1 on 1 training with you to help you catch up. You didn't realize, or well— chose to ignore the fact that Kyojuro subtly blushed and touched you more.

You were slowly working your way up to the athletic level of Mid-Urokodaki training Tanjiro, due to your surprising knack for being athletic.

Speaking of Tanjiro, the sun-kissed boy along with Zenitsu and Inosuke were truly already people you were close with. Inosuke surprisingly had similar humor to you, with Zenitsu's open affection towards you making you laugh as Tanjiro always reprimanded him.

The six of you grew comfortable while resting and training up at Kyojuro's house. Nezuko adored you, and enjoyed Kyojuro's presence immensely as well.

You were currently training with Inosuke, the latter had challenged you to a race and you had been running for the past 40 minutes. The two of you ran into the forests near Kyojuro's training estate, running to the edge and now heading back to his home.

You were panting like crazy, sweat covering you as you ran at full speed, Inosuke doing the same but he had much better stamina. Inosuke had better stamina but you found out you were much faster than him, setting off the competitive feeling in his heart.

You could see Kyojuro's estate slightly enter your line of view, narrowing your eyes as you took a deep breath.

"GAAAAAH!" You let out a war cry (very ugly sounding scream) as you used every last bit of energy in your legs, sprinting at a pace that surprised both you and your running boar-friend.

"WHAT THE F-" Inosuke screamed as he tried to catch up, but you were too fast for even him. You were just as confused, if not even more as his estate slowly expanded.

You let out a victory laugh as you saw the gate, closing your eyes in victory.

Approaching the gate, your eyes closed as you tan straight th—


"AH!" You hissed as your body collided on someone, your face smashed into the chest of the. person as you froze, heading a hiss as you lay on the floor with your face still buried, chest smushing on their stomach and hands on both sides of the person.

Letting out a groan, you finally open your eyes to see black and white stripes.


taisho secrets ;
Reader is a fast reader, her main point being her speed.
• Tanjiro really likes the reader, loving her presence!!
• Author has been really busy with finals this month and SO MUCH studying SOOO sorry.

 • Tanjiro really likes the reader, loving her presence!!• Author has been really busy with finals this month and SO MUCH studying SOOO sorry

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