Papers Please

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Hey, everyone! Sorry for the wait! I actually did have this chapter written up sooner but I was without proper wifi while I was visiting my mom for a few weeks so wasn't able to post until now. Are you liking this story? It is something that I'm writing for the fun of it but I would appreciate your opinions as well. - Sunbeam


"Nigel, quick! Which top do you think I should wear?"

The bald child turned in his chair at the table raising his brow at the girl who ran in the doorway still in her pajamas, swallowing his mouth full of sugar-coated rainbow munchie cereal before answering.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Robin questioned back, raising her arms that had some of her clothes folded over them to try and emphasize that this was a decision worth some importance. "It's my first day at a new school. I don't know what kind of impression I should make. Should I wear something that says, "I'm a lot of fun! Come be friends with me!" Or something that gives off a mysterious sort of vibe that makes me seem too cool to approach but they secretly want to?"

It was the start of a new week which meant it was time for Robin to officially start school at Gallagher Elementary. It had also been a week since she had first moved in with the Unos'. It seemed like such a short time but she's already infiltrated their treehouse and started gathering minor information when she was able to, "helped" out with two of their missions, and met a strange group of kids who she would secretly be working with, went to a party that she actually found herself enjoying up until the end, and now she was waiting for acceptance to start training for the Kids Next Door. Since her little side mission failed the other night there was no backing out of becoming an operative now that she agreed to it. She would just have to work it in her favor somehow.

"I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you this, Robin" Nigel said as he hopped down from the chair with his now empty bowl and walked over to the sink. "But you're not that cool." He rinsed the milk from his bowl but left the dirty dish there for his mother to take care of later.

Robin pouted as he emphasized the word "cool". Maybe she wasn't considered the most popular but that didn't mean that she wanted her new classmates to think negatively about her.

"Like you're one to talk." She mumbled, sticking her tongue out at him.

"I'm just confused why you would even ask 'cause if you haven't noticed we all wear the same thing every day so why bother changing how you look now?" Nigel pointed out with a slight shrug. "Whatever you feel comfortable in is fine but I suggest you hurry up. We need to leave in a half hour."

Nigel moved past her and up the stairs to finish getting ready himself. He wasn't wrong. They had the option to wear whatever they wanted but they all chose some sort of comfort clothing that they wore every single day and no one seemed to question it. Guess she would still stick with her favorite sweater after all.


Up in his room, Nigel logged onto his computer real quick to check for any more updates on Robin. Yesterday he had sent in a request to have someone from Global Command do a background check on her and to his surprise they got back to him fairly fast. This was mainly due to the lack of information they were able to gather. Just searching someone's name wasn't that simple but learning that she was a foster child, they hacked into the system she was supposed to be associated with and there was no Robin Hughes listed anywhere. They couldn't find Patricia Foster either. The files were heavily guarded for privacy reasons but this wasn't their first encounter with a foster kid and usually, a name still came up proving they were part of the system. They couldn't find Robin no matter how much they searched.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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