May I Have This Dance?

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It seems like the chapters have been getting longer and longer. Oh well, it was still really fun to write! Let me know if you're liking this story so far! - Sunbeam


"Come on. Come on. Where is he?" Robin had been trying to secretly keep an eye out for the mailman while also helping Nigel with a few chores they had to do. She planned to offer to check the mail and casually slip the invitation in along with it but he was running later than usual today. She hoped that he was still coming cause otherwise he won't be back till Monday and she would have to come up with a different strategy. Until then she had spent most of the morning with Nigel and now they were sitting together at the kitchen table, eating a late lunch while chatting.

"The others have finished their chores as well and will arrive shortly." He spoke, taking a bite from the plate of chicken nuggets they were sharing.

"Cool. So about my training-" Robin began. "When will I be able to start?"

"It's not as simple as that, I'm afraid. There are usually a lot of other kids trying to get in at the same time and some don't make it right away. How well you do on the written test will determine if you may proceed or not."

"Boo! You didn't mention having to take a test first." Robin gave a little pout which Nigel sighed at.

"I suppose if I'm being honest I still don't know how I feel about you being here but what I don't doubt is that you'll become an operative. I guess if your heart is really into joining the KND, you're not so bad after all."

Robin could tell that he was having an inner battle with himself over this. He still wasn't fully able to trust her just yet but it seemed he was willing to give her a chance to prove herself. Not like he had much of a choice with everyone else being on board with her.

"Aw, that's the nicest thing you've said to me." Robin smiled and wrapped one arm around his shoulder.

"It's so nice to see the two of you getting along."

Jen came into the kitchen carrying a brown paper sack, having gone to the market to pick up a few things this morning. Having Robin here now was a lot to take in and she knew her son needed time to adjust to the change.

"I think after I put these away I'll grab the mail and then work more on my crocheting. Do you kids have a fun day planned?"

"Our friends will be over soon so I'm sure we'll be keeping busy." Robin took one last bite of her nugget, offering to grab the mail for Jen so she didn't have to.

"Took him long enough." Robin thought, seeing the mailman in the distance.

She had the invitation tucked inside her pocket and once she grabbed the other bills she added it along with them before going back inside. Nigel was standing in the kitchen waiting for her, watching as Robin set the envelopes on the table except one.

"Here Nigel, this came for you."

He mumbled thanks and was about to open it when he saw who it was from. He suddenly kept it at arm's length away from him and grabbed Robin's arm, quickly dragging her along with him as he headed for the elevator to the treehouse. Jen called after them to have a good day, unaware of her son acting strange.

"Whoa Nigel, what's wrong? Did your college acceptance later turn you down?"

Nigel told her this was no time for joking around and that she might have to be decontaminated, making her raise a brow. She didn't expect this reaction from him.

"I'm just saying it should be illegal to make us do chores on a Saturday. It's not right!" They could hear Numbuh 4 complaining to the others as they stepped into the room and Nigel quickly set to work. They must have got here just before the two of them did.

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