my little shark

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You and spike had been dating for a few weeks you had recently been promoted to banzai captain after Giovani left and took in his minion plus two extra of your own spike had always stuck out to you though after a while of dating you noticed something spike loved to bite you she'd bite you anywhere she could it wasn't hard bites or hickeys just little nibbles or bites which has earned you calling her a shark. Much to her dismay.

"Hey y/n? "she called out to you from the library. You had promised to help her study and needed some books. "yes spike" you replied shouting to her earning you some glares from the occupants of the table next to you "I found the last book can we get going please" she asked as she walked up to you carrying at least twenty books. "Yea let's go check out"

You had been home for about an hour note books and library books scattered across the desk and floor the bed was covered in strewn prices of paper and post-its "I still don't understand why we need to know this" spike groaned you raised your eyebrow "why wouldn't we need to know about taxes" you asked as you grabbed the post-its on her face "cause who pays em plus we've already been paying our taxes they are just changing it to make more money" she rambled on complaining as you kept mhming as you drank your soda "let's just take a break okay" you said as you got up stretching spike following soon after "maybe we should eat something" you said maneuvering through the mess. "Maybe" spike said as she slipped on a note book and went tumbling to the ground you laughed as you helped her up "geez let's get moving"

You were cooking some dinner while spike was sitting on the counter when you turned to ask her something she wasn't there "wait where did she-EEP!" you jumped as you felt sharp teeth dig into your shoulder you quickly turned around to see spike standing there acting innocent you went to yell at her when "ACK! " teeth dug into your neck followed by your face going red and your girlfriends giggles you held her in place by her shoulders you were about to say something when she broke from your grip and took a bite of the food followed by her saying "could use some salt" causing you to chuckle and say "whatever my little shark"

Wow I'm so it's been a while I still have exams and projects I literally wrote this during class but yea sorry I haven't updated and may not update for a little while next one shot may be a Percy one as always drink gay and be water

Word count:474

Percy, zora And Spike one shots (not zora x Percy)Where stories live. Discover now