Chapter 14: It's Okay

Start from the beginning

"Baby, what I mean's okay for you to do stuff with them." She told me, which...honestly, I thought it was a joke at first. I chuckled a bit, waiting for her to laugh as well, but she just kept staring at me with that little smile, so I...slowly realised.

"...Oh, you're serious?" I asked in...utter confusion, as I had been for most of this conversation. She rolled her eyes still smiling, before lowering her head a bit.

"I trust them. And I trust you. Plus, I don't think I could keep them off of you if I tried, honestly." She explained to me, which...didn't make sense, and didn't convince me. I mean, most people trust their friends, but that doesn't mean they'd let them sleep with their partner.

"I...don't want to cheat on you Bayley. I know I kissed those two, and I really am sorry for both, but going any further with anyone doesn't feel right." I explained to her, putting one of my problems forward. She laughed a little and scooted even closer still, putting both hands on my knees.

"Baby, I'm letting you do this. Fuck, I want you to do this. Those girls need action too, and they don't seem interested in anyone else...apart from Becky, of course. Just don't cuck me though, I'm not into that." She continued to explain, which...well, it left me speechless.

I didn't know what to make of it. She told me it was okay to cheat, and...well, natural thought for any normal person is that it's wrong. And I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm above it, I helped Becky cheat, and I helped someone else cheat in ROH. But...hearing it welcomed was massively strange to me.

Seeing this, Bayley sighed and rolled her eyes, leaning forward and planting a kiss on my lips. I didn't kiss back, mostly because I was completely frozen in my complete and utter shock, so she kept talking.

"Baby, it's fine. It's your body, you decide what you do with it, not me. I'm just letting you know that I don't mind, that's all." She continued to me with that same smile on her face. I offered her a sort of shaky smile, still nervous about the question, and leaned forward as well, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"...I'll think about it, okay?" I told her, which made her smile even wider. I smiled too, this time genuinely, her smile just brought that out of me. Then she tilted her head a little, straightening up as she did.

"Hey, if you're lucky, you might get a threesome out of it. Never know." She told me, which made me laugh a bit. She laughed as well, and we cuddled up a bit.

" about we go back to sleep? Unless you suddenly want to start the day." She asked me with an almost hopeful look in her eyes. I smirked at her ad laid down on my side, pulling her with me.

"You bet I wanna keep sleeping." I told her with my wide grin. She laughed too, and turned around in my arms, backing her massive ass into my pelvis, which made me chuckle.

As we spooned, I couldn't help but feel...confused about Bayley's 'permission'. Inviting me to cheat on her just...didn't sit right. And again, I'm not above cheating, I'll admit that's my biggest flaw,


Even driving to SmackDown, it was still in my head. I was pretty quiet, thinking about Bayley's 'permission', while the three ladies in the car with me were all chatting away.

When we parked though, the first thing I saw was Seth sitting on his own, with Roux on his knee. They seemed to be playing, but I was curious as to why Becky wasn't around.

"Huh? Where's Becks?" I heard Bayley ask, looking over at Seth as well. I hummed in curiosity as we all stepped out of the car, except for Sasha, who wasn't able to open the door.

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