Chapter 8: Just A Little Something...

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Adam, Charlotte and I got to our apartment for the night, carrying a few plastic bags each.

"Wait wait wait, you two DID NOT do it in Ric's bed! No WAY!" I shouted at the two of them, not believing it for a second. Both of them laughed though, Adam jumping right onto the comfy looking brown couch, throwing his keys on the bench.

"Hey, it was Charlotte's idea." He said with a big grin, putting his plastic bag on the table in front of him. Charlotte gasped with smile emerging on her face, stepping towards her ex-boyfriend.

"That is SO not true! You know it was your idea that night!" She argued, still grinning as she put her bag on the table as well. I just watched this go on in curiosity, slowly walking towards the couch as well.

"No no, it was MY idea for us to have sex! I suggested we did it in the spare room! YOU were the one who suggested Ric's room!" Adam shouted back with a laugh, sitting back and putting his arms up on the back of the couch. I looked to Charlotte, waiting for her response, only for her to blush and look down.

"...maybe..." She said under her breath, which made Adam burst out laughing. Flair started laughing too, walking around the table and sitting to Adam's left, so I sat down to his right. There were only three spots on the couch, and Jane picked the middle one.

"...I hate that your only travel habit is 'No eating in the car'..." I told Adam, putting my plastic bag on the table as well. Adam rolled his eyes right away, wrapping his arm around Charlotte.

"All it does is make a mess! All the crumbs and shit in the car! Nah, I'm alright." He explained to us, which made Charlotte laugh again. I even let out a snicker, as I grabbed my food from my bag.

While we were driving to the apartment, we thought it'd be nice to grab some dinner before we got there. So, we just got Asian food, and I thought 'cool, I'll start eating in the car then, because I'm hungry' but...NOOOOO.

All of us reached into our bags to grab our food, of course. It was still hot, thank god, so I brought it over to my lap with one of the supplied plastic forks.

Before anyone of us could get a bite into our food though, I thought of another question for the two of them. I looked over, seeing them sort of side cuddling as they opened their containers of food.

"So...tell me again how you two broke up? I mean, it couldn't have been rough, considering how friendly you both are now." I asked them, reaching my fork into my food and gesturing to them with it. They both hummed a little, before looking to one another really quick. Charlotte basically gave Adam the floor to talk by taking a bite of her food.

"I mean...It's not like we just fell out of love. We were together for 5 years; I don't think it's possible for me not to love her. It was just...bad circumstances." He explained a bit painfully. I hummed a little, taking a bite out of my own food. Charlotte chuckled a little after swallowing her food, meaning it was Adam's turn to eat.

"Yeah, we moved in together, were even talking about kids, and I'd found an engagement ring in his jacket pocket one morning. But things changed when we really started pursuing wrestling at 20. Adam was heading to Japan; I was staying in America. Neither of us wanted a long-distance relationship, so we broke up. Simple as that." Charlotte explained to me, taking another fork-full of food once she was done.

Something felt off about it to me. I hummed and finished my mouthful of food, and leaned back, putting my container on my lap. Both of them looked over at me curiously as I swallowed.

"Yeah, that's the weird part for me. I would have at least tried the long-distance thing for someone I loved. I mean, 5 years, living together, kid talk, and almost proposing? It all seems a bit much to just end overnight because of distance." I explained, leaving the food on my lap for a moment after I spoke. Adam snickered a little, doing the same: Putting his food on his lap and leaning back before talking.

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