chapter 45

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15 minutes have passed, everyone was sipping on their drinks and laughing at lame ass jokes that Connor told.

Logan isn't paying any attention to whats happening, he's busy eye fucking me.

His hand –that used to be on my waist– is now tracing the side of my rib while his other hand is busy trying to get under my dress.

Why did I think a slit was a good idea again?

"Play nice, Feyre. It'll hurt a lot less if you just play nice."

Don't cry, Feyre. Don't let him see he's broken you.

But I do break. I break hard. I break to the sounds of my screams as I beg and beg and beg... And he just laughs. As though the sound is music to his ears.

I blink away the memory right as it resurfaces.

I need to get out of here now.

But the thing is, I can't use my powers yet, these are trained fighters. Pirates or criminals or whatever. They'd feel my invisible talons at the back of their minds and immediately presume one of us (Mr. Arrogant, Logan or I) have devil fruit powers and they'd draw their guns on us.

That wouldn't be a very smart move.

So I sit and wait.

"Juliette," I flinch when I hear his voice. " Why don't you entertain us a little, I heard you gave Logan quite the show down there." Connor says, ankle crossed over knee and elbows planted on the back of the crescent-shaped couch between the two girls.

Well shit.

I need to put on an act. I can't let them see that I'm nervous.

I try to steel my trembling hand and I twirl a strand of hair in my hand and pull my mouth to the side, staring down Connor. Then I gave Logan a once over and turned back to the strawberry-blonde man.

What I did just there was make him assume I was comparing them, and the little smile I held once I got up and stood in front of them had Connor thinking that in my head, he won the competition.

Clearly Connor is the leader of this organisation or crew or whatever. And since Logan and Craig came to him and bothered themselves to get all dressed up, I'm assuming he's a strong leader in his area. Which means he holds valuable information.

If only I could get into his mind.

So I started snapping my fingers and tapping my foot, and I sang.

Of course I wasn't going to act stupid and ask them what they'd like me to do.

It could range from getting naked to blowing one of them. So I got off my ass and started singing. At least the asshole won't be touching me.

"A little context if you care to listen. I found myself in shit position." I mimicked an overly-exaggerated facial expressions.

"And i don't wanna feel how my heart is ripping, in fact i don't wanna feel so stick to sippin' "

The dark haired man who I came to acknowledge as Max was vibing with me.

"And I'm out on the town with a simple mission, In my little black dress, and this shit is sittin' " a wink at an amused Logan.

"Just a heart broke bitch, high heels, six inch In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne." I add hand gestures.

"I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with In the back of the taxi, sniffin' cocaine" now they're all bobbing their feet to the rhythm i've set.

Magic Of Blood And Sea (Trafalgar Law X OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora