11th of May, 2023 - I have an English Exam tomorrow

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New books arrived today and I still have nothing to look forward to.

Their spines uncorrupted by the cross superiority of a human's hands.

Their bodies un-aired, pages in an eternal kiss.

Let them stay that way. And let me sleep.


In my sleep, haunt the weighted ghosts of those who live with me.

The creak of furniture and the click of doors - sound from vibrations

Vibrations that fade away - the only evidence of material companionship gone.


Otherwise, we are see-through blobs of film, plastic and self-disdain.

Each one knows why the other hates the rest

Each one knows why the other hates themselves

The dark silence is rotting, time is damning us for our insolence


There are no hopes, immediate or a month away.

Happiness lies in front of me, I stop myself from claiming it.

I am a candle burning with no flame, the fuel is my guilt


And I am dying, so bury me premature like I was once born

I am tired of reading the muddled, revolting words of others

I have no time to write my own, they remain in me till I burst

And I died, so bury me but burn my brain first. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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