Seeing as Bella had always had more advanced classes than me, It wasn't exactly surprising. It was still disappointing though.

"Alright" Bella made a gesture in the opposite direction, "looks like I'm heading this way."

"M'kay, I'll see you later".

I found my French class relatively easily, which was to be expected. The building wasn't that big and I'd always been directionally gifted.

I must've made good timing because there was no one in the class when I got there. Figured I might as well do some exploring rather than just sitting there and waiting for students to file in.

Not wanting to put my stuff in someone else's seat, I sat my bag by the teacher's desk.

As my feet carried me through the hospital-white halls I looked at all the other students, trying to find some people who I remembered.

I struggled to put names to some faces but most were familiar. Most.

Leaning against the staircase were two pale girls. One was short, with black spiky hair and an airy smile. The other girl beside her was gorgeous. She was statuesque with a walking vogue demeanor. Long golden waves framed soft yet sharp features that not even the snarl on her face could ruin. And, were those golden eyes?

The warning bell signaling 10 minutes until class shocked me out of my trance.

I turned quickly, making my way back to the classroom.

I was certain I had never seen them before. They'd left me breathless, but not how a museum painting or a stunning pair of earrings takes your breath away. More like how a lion crushing your neck and windpipe takes your breath away.

Students had started to file in when I got back to the classroom.

The teacher was a pale, brunette woman with a rather youthful face. She was dressed casually, wearing jeans and a long sleeve. If not for her place scribbling on the board, I would've thought she was a student.


"Hm," She replied but continued to write.

"Would you mind signing this first-day slip for me?"

At that, she finally turned around.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear. You must be one of the new Swan girls right?"


Ms.Steele beaconed me over to her desk. She signed the slip before pulling out a sticky note and scribbling some stuff on it.

"Although you're transferring in, you haven't really missed that much. Just read these" she handed me the note "chapters to catch up. You can sit at any of the desks without a name tag on it and once I'll get class started and then I'll be by to give you your textbook and some other materials. Sound good?" She smiled.

I nodded, taking my bag. I think I'd like this class. The teacher seemed easygoing and put me in the mind of Bella for some reason.

The room was nice too. Organized posters of grammar rules and maps covered the walls, livening it up but not overwhelmingly so.

I picked a seat in the last row towards the middle and looked through the worksheets.

They seemed pretty basic: simple verbs, common phrases. Most that I already knew.

Renee had seen this french television show one day and decided that it would be a good vacation idea. She had us practice it every day for months before it— like so many other things— faded from her mind.

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