Chapter 31- Rescue from the Dursleys

Start from the beginning

"Actually, yes, you can. Is it possible I could go and see Harry?" I asked.

She seemed surprised by my request and then her face twisted into disgust. "Why would you want to visit him?" She asked in a disapproving and disgusted tone.

"Because it's his birthday ma'am. I wanted to see if I could talk and maybe hang out with him?"

"Well, you should also stop by on my actual son's birthday. Do you know him by any chance? Dudley Dursley?" She asked, trying to divert my attention away from Harry and onto the topic of her son. Classic Aunt Petunia.

I wanted to stay on her good side though so that she would let me borrow Harry so I said, "No I haven't. Hearing from your tone, I'm sure he is a lovely boy. I would love to meet him!"
Her face brightened and she smiled. "Well, now's the perfect chance! Here, come on inside! I'll find where he's at."

I followed her inside of the house. Nothing I wasn't familiar with. After all, I had read the books and seen the movies so I knew all about her house. I'd also snuck into it earlier that summer, but she didn't need to know about any of that. I followed her into the kitchen, where there was a man sitting at the table reading a newspaper. It was none other than Uncle Vernon, or I guess I would have to call him just Mr. Dursley.

He placed his newspaper down and stared at me, raising an eyebrow. "Who is she and what's she doing here?" He asked Mrs. Dursley.

"She's the next door neighbor. She wants to meet Dudley!" She squealed. He took a quick scan of me, nodded, and then winked at his wife. Ew, were they trying to set me up with Dudley?! Gross!

"Now darling, Dudley's just outside. Follow me!" Mrs. Petunia said, and I followed her the rest of the way. Dudley was in the middle of making fun of Harry for having no one to visit him on his birthday. I was about to prove that little punk wrong.

"Dudley, come over here!" Petunia said, waving him over. He and Harry both turned to look at me. Harry's face lit up, but he resisted the urge to run over.

Dudley waddled over and said, "Who's this mum?" He went closer to her and I heard him whisper, "She's pretty." Dammit, my rizz was working too well and now it was making me pull people I didn't want!

"Hello Dudley, I'm y/n. It's a pleasure meeting you," I said as nicely as possible. I extended my hand out to him and he shook it with his big smelly sausage fingers. Blegh.

He said happily, "I'm Dudley! We're friends now, right?" He leaned in closer to me and said, "But I would also give you the opportunity for us to be more than friends." He then pulled away and waggled his eyebrows. It took every ounce of self restraint in my body to not whip my wand out and hex him, or just straight up throw a punch into that ugly face of his. I took a silent breath and forced myself to plaster on a smile.

"You can talk to Harry now...I guess," Petunia said as she pulled her son aside. They were probably going to start practicing their greetings for Mr. Dursley's big client that was coming for dinner.

I ran over to Harry and gave him a quick hug. He grinned, a big, toothy, wide grin. He hugged me tightly and it was so sweet.

"How've you been?" I asked.

"Managing," Harry said. "Thanks for coming, you just saved me from being snitched on. I wanted to scare Dudley so I told him I was thinking about how to set this bush on fire."

I laughed and said, "So then, what were you looking at the bush for? Do you think something was watching you?"

"How did you know?" Harry said.

"I'm a witch. I know things," I said, trying to make myself sound cool. Of course I only knew because it was a detail in the books.
"So, why are you here? I'm honestly pretty sure getting to know Dudley was not on your summer bucket list," Harry said, wanting an answer.

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