Nightwing turned out to be right as in the morning Jason was the first called out and it was... interesting to say the least. "All we need to know is what you saw happen" Wonder Woman told her favourite Wayne. "Listen Diana, you know I like you but I saw nothin, I heard nothin because nothin happened" The slight Gotham accent slipping into his voice as he said a very Gotham sentence.

Jason leaned back in the chair as he placed his feet on the table purposefully being cliché just so he could have the aesthetic interrogation. "Jason, we don't need to know much, we aren't asking you to say anyone's guilty or that anyone did anything wrong" Black Canary tried to coax it out of him.

"I saw L'gann hold a gun and fall hitting his face on the ground and shooting himself in the leg in the process. Besides you have cameras check them and you'll see that's what happened" Jason shrugged "Except someone erased all the cameras, someone with your M.O." Batman told his son from the corner "You know it would be Red Robin not me who did it" Jason smirked

"Except Red Robin wouldn't have it he didn't believe what happened was right, you however would stick by Shadow no matter what" Batman reminded his son of his questionable morals. "Master, go on, and I will follow thee to the last grasp with truth and loyalty" Jason spoke in Shakespeare quotes telling Batman that this wasn't going to go anywhere.

Black Canary paused for a moment as she looked at Batman "What?" Black Canary was stunned at the old English quote. "This is what happens when you cross being raised by Batman and being an English nerd" Wonder Woman sighed as she looked at Batman.

"So what when he doesn't want to answer a question he talks in quotes?" Black Canary was trying to figure Jason out. "To be or not to be: that is the question" Jason waved his finger in the air as he loudly announced it. "Send him back, he won't say anything else" Batman sighed as his son began spouting off Romeo and Juliet using the names Bruce and Selena instead much to Wonder Woman's amusement.

"Listen Tim, I know you didn't believe in what happened or else Jason wouldn't have had to wipe the cameras so, just tell us what happened?" Superman asked as he sat down calmly across from the boy. "There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy." Tim thought for a second before he answered

The Batkids sat together having hacked the camera, see they had a bet going on who could answer the questions somewhat reasonably with only quotes, everyone was betting on Jason but he had only managed to get two in before Batman waved him off and Tim was off to a strong start.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Green Arrow demanded "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand." Batman was shaking his head as Green Arrow practically had steam coming out of his ears.

"Come not between... the dragon and his wrath" Tim hesitated as he tried to remember from his English class "Go get your Sister" Batman grunted to his middle son. "He got to three, you're next" Nightwing told Shadow as she thought to herself, she didn't have the movies they did or the literature or the same classes but she had two things and that was Talia and Jason.

Talia could be quoted with the most chaotic sentences and Jason was constantly quoting literature. "No one blames you but we realllllyyyy need to know I mean come on it not that hard" Flash began to speed talk making Batman sigh the only way this would work would be by annoying Shadow into talking.

"Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thought." Leila thought about what her Grandfather had told her a friend from centuries ago had said. "What does this mean?" Martian Manhunter questioned with confusion "She's telling me to shut up" Flash seethed as Leila cracked her neck, she was running this interrogation and winning the contest.

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