Chapter Four

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"Hey, Ro."

Rowen slowly blinked her eyes, staring up at Izzy. "Hi."

"Hi. You-"

"Hi." Sidney leaned over her face, scowling. "Get a fucking room."

Rowen flipped him off. She'd been sleeping in Izzy's lap while they studied. "What time is it?"

"Almost seven." She replied, showing Rowen her phone.

"Seven." Rowen sat up. She pushed her hair back with a groan. "Wanna go to my room?"


"Are you staying for dinner?" Sid asked from the kitchen. "I'm making box mac and cheese."

"I can stay."

"Can you stay for the night?" Rowen asked.

Izzy shrugged. "Probably."

"Awesome, you should do that." She said.

"No, you shouldn't. I don't want to have to listen to you two all night." Sid complained. "You're leaving at eight-thirty."

"Seriously?" Rowen rolled her eyes. "We're both older than you, I don't know why you're acting like you're in charge."

"You guys basically time traveled, but I stayed the same. In my head, I'm older than you and more mature."

"In your head, you're also cool, but look where that got you." Izzy covered her mouth to giggle.

"We're just gonna leave now," Izzy whispered, pulling Rowen into her bedroom. Izzy kicked the door shut and leaned against it with a smile.

"What're you thinking, Iz?" Rowen whispered.

"You know exactly what I'm thinking." She tugged at the bottom of Rowen's sweater, waiting for her to lift her arms and let her take it off. Izzy's face flushed when she looked at her girlfriend again. "Holy shit-"

Rowen covered a laugh, standing on her tiptoes to kiss Izzy. "Holy shit."

"This is insane." Izzy ran her hands up Rowen's stomach, pressing against her abdomen. "Literally insane."

"You already said that, love."

"Sorry, you're incredible." She dropped her head on Rowen's bare shoulder. "Also for the fact that this happened overnight..."

"I know, it's weird, right?" Rowen shrugged.

"This is only the kind of thing that happens in comic books, y'know." Izzy gasped sarcastically. "What if this is your superhero origin story?"

Rowen raised her eyebrows. "But, what if it's not?"

"But what else could it be?"

"A gift from god."

"You're an atheist."


They stayed there, pressed against Rowen's door for a few minutes. Finally, Izzy glanced toward Sid's room, and pulled Rowen closer, hands on her waist. "Is Sid here all night?"


"Then we'll have to be quiet." She smirked.

An hour later, Rowen and Izzy left their room to share dinner with Sid-who was pissed.

"That's it, you're going home now." He said.


He just glared in response at his sister, making his final answer clear. "We can walk you home, so no one gets mugged again." He looked back at Rowen with a glare.

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