Sergeant Flukey interjected, "We're being deployed to the island of Valtia. There's a rebel group that's been causing trouble for the local government. Our objective is to help the government forces take out the rebels."

Eric nodded, "Sounds like a standard mission."

Sergeant Macnamara chimed in, "Don't let your guard down though. These rebels could be dangerous."

Maverick spoke up, "I heard that the island is also known for its beautiful beaches. Maybe we could take a dip in the ocean after we complete the mission."

Hina laughed, "Maverick, you always find a way to sneak in some fun."

Anya asked, "What kind of weapons and equipment are we bringing with us?"

Nina replied, "We'll have our standard rifles and grenades, as well as some heavy weapons like a rocket launcher and a machine gun."

Marina added, "And we'll have our semblances to back us up."

Blair asked, "What about Grimm? Will we be encountering any?"

Sergeant Flukey responded, "It's possible, but unlikely. The island is not known to have high Grimm activity."

The group continued chatting and preparing for the mission ahead as the aircraft flew towards their destination.

Just then, they see US Marine Osprey Mk2s, Mi-240 Super Hinds and MV-38 Condors also flying to their mission.

"We getting backup?" Blair asked. Tom smiled at the young privates and Huntresses-in-Training, "Not just any backup, but legends." This raised lots of eyebrows until they heard a familiar voices on the radio.

"I my kids are ready for their mission as USMC." Said Anthony Towson.

"I hope you guys are ready!" Shouted a happy David Fernandes.

"Let's see what girls learned." Said Igor Lev.

"Hina-chan, I'm with your mother. I hope your medical training is on point." Finally said Michael Blacker.

The group looked at each other in surprise and excitement as they realized they would be working with their parents and some of the most experienced Marines in the military. Lea couldn't help but feel proud to be part of such a prestigious team.

"Let's show them what we're made of," she said, looking around at her siblings and fellow marines.

"We're ready for anything." The rest of the group nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of adrenaline and confidence as they prepared for the mission ahead.

As Lea and David Jr. approached the island, they could see that it was heavily fortified. There were walls around the perimeter and guard towers stationed throughout. However, with their semblances, they were able to easily avoid detection and land safely on the ground.

They quickly surveyed the area and saw that the rest of their squad was arriving via helicopters and Ospreys. As they landed, they could see the determination on their faces. This was going to be a tough mission, but they were all ready for it.

"Alright, listen up," Sergeant Flukey said as they gathered around him. "Our mission is to take out the enemy's weapons depot. We have to move quickly and quietly, so stay sharp and stay together."

The squad nodded in agreement and started to move out. They had trained for this moment for months, and now it was time to put that training to use. As they approached the walls, they split into two teams - one to create a distraction and the other to breach the walls and infiltrate the base.

Lea, David Jr., and Hina were part of the team that was going to breach the walls. They moved quickly and quietly, using their semblances to avoid detection. When they reached the wall, they quickly set up the explosives and blew a hole in the wall.

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