Kurama's brow shot up. "Pardon?"

Crowama waived it off, flapping her hand in dismissal. "Oh nothing... Nothing. Don't worry about it." She walked off to get a good look at her surroundings. This was her home alright. Except a lot of things were different. Decorations were shifted around, a new fountain was built in the courtyard.

This was her home, but... what was this exactly.

"Mama! Papa!" a little voice had called out, breaking Crowama from her thoughts. A little silver haired toddler ran up to them with her arms outstretched, her little legs taking her as far as she could. Her foot caught on to the root of a rose bush and before she could even trip, Kurama was right by her side to catch her with his impeccable speed.

Getting a better look at the girl, he could see tiny pointed ears in the top of her head. If he didn't know any better, she was the splitting image of Yoko Kurama.

Though, her silver hair ended in feathers.

Kurama realized with a start where this must be. "This is..."

"This is the future!" Crowama blurted out. She had watched the whole exchange from where she stood, putting together the pieces. How far into the future though, it was hard to say.

Perhaps not that far based on the state of the planet.

If this little girl was their child, she was perhaps the first. Meaning, Crowama's repopulation mission has just begun.

"Papa..." The little girl hugged her stubby arms around Kurama's torso and snuggled into him. Oddly enough, it made his heart swell.

"I don't believe it..." Kurama whispered.

If this was any indication of the real future, this means that they made it as a couple.

Meanwhile, Crowama was sprintjng around chanting that "She did it!" and that she saved her people. Kurama enjoyed watching her be happy.

The little girl in his arms giggled. The sound was music to his ears. "Mama is so silly!" she said, clapping her hands.

"Yes," Kurama mused, a smile painted across his face. "Yes she is."

Hearing their future daughter's laughing urged Crowama to rush on over. "I have a baby!" She shouted, stealing the girl from her future husband. "I have a baby, I have a baby and—" Crowama blinked. "Why does she have silver hair?"

The girl twisted her fingers in her air. "Papa says it's pretty."

Crowama glances at him.

"I'll explain later." he promised.

For now, they just enjoyed this little moment.


Miss Sakura searched the shrine for something she misplaced. "Mother!" she called out. "Where are my candies that send you to the future?" She placed a hand on her hip in thought. "I hope I didn't lose them..."

"Did you mean these?" Sakura's mother shambled over and held up a plastic of pink hard candies.

Sakura shook her head. "No... Those are normal candies, I—" realization spread across her face. "Oh no..."

The pink candies were an engagement gift, meaning Sakura had swapped them by mistake.

However the panic wore off as Sakura shrugged her shoulders. "Ah well, it only lasts an hour. I'm sure they'll be fine."


Both Kuramas wake up in the infirmary in cots parallel to each other. Kaito was sitting between them, reading a book.

"Ah," he said adjusting his glasses. "You're awake."

They groggily came to, rubbing their eyes. They felt that they were taken far too soon from their future, their daughter.

Crowama bolted up, grabbing Kaito by the collar. "The candies!" she yelled. "Where are they?!"

Kaito pulled them out of his pocket, trying to hide his trembling hand. "They're right here... Though I don't know why you would want to keep them—"

"GIMME." Crowama snatched them out of his hands and let go of him, retreating back into her cot.

Kaito apprehensively sat back and watched as she kissed the plastic bag that held the candies. "Your girlfriend is terrifying." he whispers to Kurama.

"She is my fiance," Kurama gently corrected. "And yes, yes she is." He also sat back and watched her be herself with a look of pure adoration on his face.

Crowama, his soon-to-be wife.

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