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IT WAS TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE SHOW AND GRADUATION and katie was sitting in her last class of the day; science. she had been daydreaming the whole time, ignoring her teacher who had been talking about an upcoming end-of-the-year test.

all she could think about was darry; that was the only thing on her mind. darry, darry, darry.

"ms. lane," the teacher says. all eyes go on katie. "is there something in particular you'd like to show us? well, since you're not paying any attention to what i have to say."

"no, sir," katie shakes her head. "i won't do it again."

her teacher nods at her and proceeds to talk again. well that was embarrassing, katie thought to herself.

a few minutes later, the bell rang, and katie raced to get her things so she could leave.

"don't forget the test is due next week! you guys better study," the teacher says. "and ms. lane, don't daydream again!"

katie nods on at him before trotting down the hall and to her car. since lila left after rehearsing, katie immediately went home.

she had been in the living room watching family feud when she heard a car honk outside. confused, katie decided to go outside.

there was darry, in a 1968' mustang fastback.

"well look at you!" katie beams. "hopefully people don't mistake you as a soc."

"oh i could care less," darry smiles, rubbing the steering wheel. "this has been my dream car since it first came out. walked outside, my parents were standing beside it."

"i love it," katie smiles.

"get in." darry beams.

katie smiled to him and got inside. she put on her seatbelt, and darry drove off. she watched as her house faded and faded until it was gone.

the two drove around for a little bit in the new fastback. darry took katie on a date to one of the diner's in town: the famous Dingo.

"i've loved this place since i was a little boy," darry says. "my parents always took me and my brothers here."

"me too!" katie agrees with a big smile on her face. "that's when i watched my dad truly love on my mom. i told myself, i want to be like them one day."

"you will be, with me." darry smiled, making katie smile even bigger.

"darrel curtis is such a flirt," katie joked, taking a sip of her chocolate milkshake.

"the socs parents aren't to happy about this play from what i heard," darry says, biting a piece of his fry.

"yeah, you're right," katie agrees. "but they're not goin' to do anything. they barely even care for their children, so why care what they have to do for school? sounds just like my father."

"i'm sorry katie, i didn't mean to barge like that," darry apologizes.

"darry, never apologize." katie assured him.

when katie and darry were done with their food, he paid, and the two walked outside of the diner.

the two drove off to the spot darry had taken her last time, and sat there, staring at the tulsa city below them.

"i completely forgot!" darry says, making katie turn her head towards him.

he runs towards the trunk, and opens it, revealing a camera.

"it's an older one, but it works," darry says, putting the camera towards his face. "smile!"

katie smiles brightly, and darry snaps a picture. "i just know you look beautiful." he says, making katie blush.

"darrel curtis is such a gentleman." katie chuckles.

darry smiled and grabbed the girls hand. they sat beside each other on the grass, just looking at each other, then the blue sky.

"i haven't asked you to be my girlfriend, you know..." darry says.

"i'd love to be." katie smiles, and the two star-crossed lovers kissed.

darry decided when the two were done at their new hangout spot, he was going to take her to his house.

when the two got there, a bunch of greasers were outside talking to sodapop and ponyboy. steve was there, too, talking with mrs. curtis.

"darry who's this?" asked one greasers. he was wearing a mickey mouse shirt, and was holding a piece of cake in his hand.

"that's katie!" ponyboy yells, running up to hug her. "darry's girlfriend."

"she's a very lovely girl," mrs. curtis beams. "you guys would love her!"

"katie, this is two-bit, johnny, and dallas," darry points at each boy, and they gave a slight smile to her. "boys, this is katie, my girlfriend."

katie smiles, and waved at the boys, giving sodapop and ponyboy a hug.

"i was just fixing them up some lunch," mrs. curtis says. "do you and katie want anything?"

"no thanks mom," darry says, wrapping his hands around katie's waist. "we just ate."

"holy smokes!" steve yells. "look at darry! is this a fastback?"

"sure is," darry smiles. "mom and dad just surprised me with it today."

"now i don't want you boys thinkin' i'm makin' darrel out to be a soc or whatever you boys call it," mrs. curtis says. "it's a very lovely car, and i think it suits him well since he's goin' off to college with a football scholarship."

"you have a football scholarship?" katie asks.

"he sure does! i can't believe you haven't told her darry." dallas says.

"that's good," katie smiles. "i'll have to come watch you sometime."

"i would love that." darry whispers to her, proceeding to kiss her on the lips.

the boys began to make gagging noises causing mrs. curtis to shush them. when katie and darry pulled away, the two laughed at the boys antics.

with darry's new fastback, his scholarship, and katie becoming closer to his family, nothing felt wrong anymore to katie. she didn't know, though, that romeo and juliet's could be the same with her and darry.

my juliet

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my juliet. may 14, 1969

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