They were in the private part of the garden where there were very few footsteps of people. This area served as Helaena's sanctuary. She liked to spend most of her spare time here, because here, no one disturbed her. She could work on her embroidery or collect insects at peace. Today has been no different, she has been here since early morning. Coming straight after finishing her lesson with the Septa. Later to be joined by Aemond, who currently rested on her lap.

For the longest time it was just the two of them. Basking in each other's presence, enjoying the nature and the quietness.

And then she heard— no they both heard;

"Aemond... Aemond... Aemond... Helaena... Helaena... Helaena... Aemond Helaena Aemond Helaena."

Aemma was bouncing her way towards them. Chanting their names to the rhythm of her movement.

In that instant Helaena knew their peace was short lived. Not that she mind Aemma's company, but like every children of her age Aemma too had those days where her personality could be loud, hyper and straight up annoying. Unfortunately, it was one of those days. She has been hyper since waking up. Stirred quite the trouble during their lesson with the Septa. Also, in all fairness it wasn't fully Aemma's fault. Septa Lira was the one who started when she blatantly said to the youngest Princess that she will be put into the deepest pits of the Seven Hells for tormenting her father. Aemma retaliated by throwing the banana peel of the banana she had just eaten on the Septa's path. Moment later Septa Lira stepped on it and land on her bottom. And then, chaos ensued.

Helaena didn't look up to greet her little sister. As her focus refused to deflect, she was almost finished with the embroidery. Just some details on the tail was left. But that changed the moment she felt the boy on her lap go tense. His heart pounding into his chest so erratically that even she could feel it.

Helaena stopped her needlepoint; stuck the needle into the fabric to secure it, then set the hoop down carefully before looking down her lap once more. Her brows knitted together as she studied Aemond.

They have now been joined by Aemma— who sat straddling Aemond's hips. Filling him in on her earlier brawl with Septa Lira. Seemingly unaware and unbothered by the stares and the frowns her inappropriate sitting position was attracting and the level of discomfort Aemond seemed to be in.

The older Princess's eyes were drawn onto her brother's hand, and found them to be fidgeting. There was turmoil in him, he was struggling. But from what? Before Helaena could figure that out came the voice of one of the Kingsguard who had been sent to retrieve Aemma.

"Princess Aemma," called the Kingsguard. Even his eyes could not ignore the inappropriate way Aemma was straddling Aemond. "Your father summons you."

All three Targaryen siblings turned towards the direction of the guard. But only Aemma dismissed him.

"You may go and remind the King that Princess Aemma isn't able to respond to his call. To him, she is dead; like his late wife. Now go away shoo shoo!" She made an insulting gesture with her hand.

Sighing defeatedly the kingsguard left and Aemond spoke.

"You should have gone."

Aemma shook her head.

"Father cares for you. It would do you no good to waste his affection." He reasoned, hoping she would see and appreciate the privilege she had above all of her siblings; except their half-sister Rhaenyra.

"Matters not." Aemma shrugged. "I refuse to see him. Not unless he apologizes to you."

He emitted a small "Mhm" in reply. His heart warmed at the thought of how much she cared for him.

Chaos within the GreensWhere stories live. Discover now