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Shit shit shit! I'm so late. I'm never late to the one lecture I actually need for my career. I'm running so fast down the main campus grounds that I almost run into four people and I drop a few things having to go back a couple feet multiple times just to pick them up. I nearly skid to a stop once I get to the Literature building on the campus. Which was nearly half way across campus. 20 minutes to walk and 16 if you run.

I scanned my student ID; unlocking the door and slipped inside. And of course the lecture room I needed was on the other side of the building. I decided I had enough running and sped walk all the way to the other side of the building. When I reach my professors room I slowly and quietly enter and make my way to my seat in the middle row of the lecture room.

"Nice of you to finally join us Y/N dear," Professor Lee greeted me with a sarcastic tone. "What has you so late to my lecture this fine morning?"

"Late night studying, Mr. Lee," I staggered getting my notes and books out from my bag.

He sighed and went back to typing on his computer. "See me after class Y/N." I nodded and dropped my head for a moment before taking my own notes from our book we were reading which was Sonnets of Shakespeare, we were to pick two or three of our favorites from the book and rewrite our own modernized versions. 

With Shakespeare that feels near impossible but it's our final grade for the semester so we have to do it or we retake the class. Which no college student can afford unless you have a trust fund family.  About 10 minutes later Professor Lee started his lecture and I began taking notes on that instead.

I could feel my phone going off in my pocket but ignored it even when it started blowing up. Eventually I got annoyed and shut my phone off without bothering to look at who was killing my phone with all the notifications. Literally it was dying because of this dip shit. I went to continue taking notes when a phone alarm went off. It was Professor Lee's phone telling everyone class was over.

Everyone else got up but I stayed in my seat and waited for everyone to clear out. I knew what was coming and I really didn't want to listen to it. Professor Lee was one of those teachers that was always on your case about taking care of yourself. Which I was horrible at.

He walked up to where I was sitting, took off his glasses and looked at me. "Listen Y/N I can't keep teaching you if you don't start taking care of yourself. You're clearly sleep deprived and if this keeps up I'm going to call your brother. Which I know you don't want me to do. But you're 23 and you're still young. You're a bright mind but you need to take care of it or else you'll crash."

I knew he was right. I wouldn't admit that out loud though. Ever since I got over cancer three years ago I realized just how fragile a human life can be. How fragile my life can be. Dominik was a mess the whole time. His little sister was in pain and he couldn't do anything. He almost didn't go to his WWE tryout but I told him he had to so if I made it he could keep winning for me.

"I'm sorry sir, I just can't sleep well at night so I started studying until I get tired. And this assignment you gave us is a lot. I'm not even done picking my third Sonnett. I even had to skip my monthly with my doctor-" Shit I shouldn't have said that.

All Professor Lee did was hug me. He was kind enough not to scold me. But I knew he was upset. "I'm gonna have to tell your brother about that. And you are calling your doctor and getting an appointment scheduled. Your mother trusts that I take care of you while you're here. I may not smother you like the rest of your family, but I will get every last one of your crazy relatives here to smother you if that's what it takes."

I laughed a bit and excused myself. I decided to walk back to my dorm even though the bus  stops were open. It was Friday and all my other classes were canceled I pulled my phone back from my pocket and turned it back on so I could call my doctor. Then I remembered someone was blowing up my phone during class so I decided to check who.

Dominik? Why was he calling me so much? I decided I would get Boba then call him back. So I did just that and got a cookie to go with it. The phone rang three times before he picked up.

"Yo? Dom what's up?" I said casually.

"What's up? What's up is that I'm at the airport like we talked about three weeks ago and you're nowhere to be seen!" Daminik yelled exasperatedly.

"Shit- uhhh- I kinda don't have a car right now. It's in the shop. I'll call a friend and see if I can borrow her car to come pick you up. How much do you have with you?" I asked.

"Uh- a bit. We're off season for a month or two and I plan to spend the whole time with my favorite Peanut." Dominik teased.

"God what are you, 10? You're only older than me by like 2 years so get over it already. And what do you mean 'we'?" I prodded.

"You'll see. Now hurry I'm tired and I wanna crash on your couch already." He whined.

I could only laugh as I hung up just to make another phone call to Allie. As I like to call her, my college bestie. I told her the situation and she agreed to lend me her truck for a couple hours. Which, depending on Columbus traffic, would be more than enough time.

But who was with Dominik?

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