He grabbed the chair off of Alicent's own desk and flung it across the room. Chairs were his favorite thing to throw around when angry.

"Aemond! Stop it!" Alicent shrieked as the man turned to his mother angrily. "I will never forget this." He hissed and stomped away from his mother's quarters.

He stomped all the way back to his own chambers, finding Alyarra's own protector standing at the door. Aemond was angry, and he needed to channel his anger unto someone.

"Where were you all this time?!" Aemond growled at the young boy, stepping towards him and sizing him up.

"Uh... right here, my prince." Benjamin replied, clearly a bit fearful of the one-eyed prince. Aemond snarled as his eye ran over the boy. Criston Cole had said this was one of the promising new knights, but how promising could he be?

"Why did you not follow my wife when she exited the chambers? Your entire fucking duty is to be her shadow, to protect her at all costs. And you have already failed. Did you know I could have your head for failing her?" Aemond's tone was venenous and mean. He was seething, more angry than he had been in a long time.

"I-I... She wished for me not to follow her... I only took her order." The boy explained himself, his voice wavering in the efforts. With one swift motion, Aemond had the boy pinned to the door. His dagger toyed at Benjamin's skin, eager to make a slit.

"You will take orders from me now on. Alyarra will not leave these chambers without you at her side, do you understand? Or do you need my blade to reinforce my words?" Aemond pressed the blade ever so slightly unto his throat, not deep enough to make a cut. But deep enough to remind him his life was in great danger.

"Of course! I will protect the Lady Alyarra with my whole entire life! I swear it." Aemond hummed at the words and released him.

"If she is ever put in harm's way again, I will have your head and serve it to your family on a silver platter." Aemond said nonchalantly, shoving the knight to the side and waltzing into his chambers.

Aemond strutted into his bedchamber, to find the maester and Catherryn by Alyarra's side. Aemond's face was stoic as he eyed the scene. The maester turned to curtsy at the prince, and the lady in waiting did the same thing.

Alyarra's eyes didn't meet the prince's. She kept her eyes on her lap as Aemond stared at her. She was ashamed of what had happened, she even felt guilty. For what? She wasn't truly sure. Some way she felt as if it was her own fault for what happened.

"How is she?" Aemond asked the maester as the man looked between Alyarra and Aemond.

"Her nose has obtained what I believe is a fracture, but the bone is not broken to her luck. She did lose a good amount of blood but nothing to fuss about." The maester answered.

"Hmm. Leave us." Aemond ordered to the maester and to Catherryn. The two of them left their bedchamber as Aemond to his bed, sitting down next to his wife. He was angry, Alyarra could tell.

"Are you angry with me?" She asked meekly, her tone being almost a whisper even if she didn't intend it to be.

Aemond's stone cold face softened up in an instant as he heard the words. "Angry with you?! Alyarra how could I be angry with you? Yes I am seething, but not with you." Aemond told her, grabbing her bloody hand in his.

"I am so sorry about what happened Aemond. I tried to stop him, I swear it." She said with a crack in her voice, leaning foward and resting her head on his chest. "I didn't want that." Hot tears fell unto Aemond's pants as his wife cried.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, my darling. You have done nothing wrong. I am not angry with you. The only person who should be sorry is my brother." Aemond tried soothing her, bringing his hand up to her head and gently stroking her brown locks of hair.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now