The truth was when one’s movement skill had reached this level, the shadows were not totally illusory—they were clones that could be made tangible. Not only that, Lin Huang could tell that Scarlet Fox was probably even able to switch his own position with that of the shadows as he pleased.

This set of movement skills was so subtle and exquisite that even Lin Huang felt a slight urge to learn it.

In a little while, Scarlet Fox’s figure and the tens of thousands of shadows were completely swallowed up by the massive torrent of blade-like rays.

Any of the spectators watching with Divine Telekinesis could clearly see that the illusory figures were rapidly destroyed by the attacking blade-like rays. However, many more illusory figures consolidated to take their place.

Eventually, when all the blade-like rays had faded, Scarlet Fox’s figure was still standing where it had been all along as if it had not moved at all from the beginning until the end.

“This round at least has some sort of standard to it. Thumbs up for you,” Lin Huang commented, smiling.

Naturally, he had clearly seen that Scarlet Fox did actually move, switching his position with the shadows at least ten times. However, in the end, he had gone back to his initial position on purpose.

It was just that he had performed all of this with extreme subtlety. If not for the fact that Lin Huang possessed a more powerful God’s soul than Scarlet Fox, it would have been hard for him to notice this.

Since the first round of attack had failed, the Divine Magic Winged Bug launched a second assault without hesitation.

It did not know what kind of rules its opponent had mastered or what kind of abilities Scarlet Fox possessed. Therefore, it chose to attack first to subdue him and not give him a chance to attack.

The one hundred and eight pairs of scale-covered wings on the Divine Magic Winged Bug’s back mutated abruptly, spawning countless tentacles which surged toward Scarlet Fox like a tsunami.

However, on the other side of the battlefield, Scarlet Fox’s hair swiftly grew out at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. In an instant, it had already reached his waist.

As Lin Huang watched in shock, Scarlet Fox’s chest began to expand like an inflating balloon, and the lines of his facial features began to soften…

One by one, fiery red, furry tails rapidly sprouted from his coccyx—nine in total.

“What’s happening?!” Lin Huang’s expression was full of shock.

This was a scenario he had obviously not anticipated at all.

Lin Huang was not the only one—on their side, the Bug Tribe was rather stunned as well.

Even on the Raiders’ side, the eyes of the six middle-rank Lords widened too. Clearly, it was their first time seeing this as well.

Some of them might have heard about Scarlet Fox’s abilities and were aware that he could change gender whenever he wished. However, this was the first time they were seeing it with their very own eyes.

Even Nine Snake, who had been calm all this while, had a faint, startled expression flash through his eyes upon seeing Scarlet Fox in a female body.

The only one who remained unmoved was Silver, the mechanoid.

To him, gender was quite obviously something completely immaterial.

After the transformation, it was very evident that Scarlet Fox’s aura was no longer the same. It was much more ferocious now.

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