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Hello, my name is Alexandria Akabane...weird that I have an American first name yet a Japanese surname right? Yea well I didn't exactly choose the name.

I'm the daughter of Ayumii and Nanami Akabane. Two of the worlds greatest detectives, smart, intelligent, beautiful, strategic, sneaky, and very very much in love.

Sometimes it makes me sick how in love they are. Bleh. They love me with everything they have though.

Their intelligence passed onto me and you could say I was a mini version of them. I was a mix of them when it came to my appearance as well.

I help on cases often even going as far as being an undercover agent. I loved being a detective and often going undercover. My love for it came from my parents, sadly we're moving from our home in Los Angeles to Japan.

Some region that begins with a K, contrary to the worlds beliefs I'm actually British. Sometimes I hide my accent just like my parents often do. Did I really want to move to Japan? Not really, I was accustomed to living in Europe or America.

The only reason I'm not complaining is because I'm told it's only for a year or so. Apparently there have been a series of killing in Japan. At first it was criminals that randomly died from heart attacks then things changed.

12 FBI agents were sent to Japan undercover and all 12 died as well as my cousin Raye and his fiancé. His fiancés body has not been found but they assume it's suicide.

Because of the death of the agents I was called in for the case. My parents? They believe that because I'm 18 I'm old enough to handle things on my own.

While they're going to help with a case in London I have to go to Japan on my own. There I will bring going to college at To-oh university and majoring in law.

I go by the name Yumeii or A, no one actually knows what I look like. We plan on keeping it that way, especially on this case.

"Alex" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ryuko my shinigami. He's a god of death says he has a twin named Ryuk. Ryuko dropped his notebook also known as a death note in the human realm and I happened to find it.

As soon as I touched it he popped up and tried to scare me. I had blinked at him before shoving the boom in my bag and walking home. He followed me all the way home my parents couldn't even see him.

That day he explained everything to me about death notes etc. I mean I wasn't exactly human myself, I was the goddess of life and fertility. Others would probably call me an angel, my mom was the goddess of love, and my dad was the hod of Justice.

No Greek mythology does not exist, heaven and hell however does. How was I the goddess of life and fertility able to own a death note? Maybe because I'm in my human form, not exactly sure.

a/n: I know it sounds confusing but go with it please 😭

Erroneously that day forward I had been the owner of a death note. I haven't used it I even told my parents about it. We wondered why we couldn't see him before despite us also beings gods. He said he had a type of glamour on him that only allowed people who touched the death note or pages to see.

Ryuko unlike his brother was not reckless and didn't mind that I didn't use the death note. He actually wanted to stay around he was like an older brother of sorts. My parents treated him as if he were their son. We were thousands of years older than him of course. Well my parents were he had about a hundred years on me.

"Yea Ryu?" I looked over at him as he hovered over my computed desk looking at the screen. He was munching away on a pomegranate, his favorite food. He gets withdraw symptoms if he doesn't eat them.

His body twists up in odd angles it's pretty weird. "Three more people died in the last ten minutes" he pointed to the screen as I walked over. Three petty criminals had died, all over petty crimes, robbery.

As the goddess of life I had the power to take it and give it. All of these random snd unnatural deaths have cause in unbalance for me. This means I have to hurry and find this person as fast as possible.

On top of that I have to try to balance things back out by creating life. This means I had to get as many people to get pregnant as possible. I hated it, having to force people into having a child.

Ryuko had already told me about how his brother dropped his death note snd a human with a god complex found it. He says he dropped because he was bored. The person who owns the note book is keeping him entertained.

Thus I have to go all the way to Japan in order to fix things. Undercover once again, nobody could know who I was.

"This is beginning to get out of hand he's killed over 100 people in not even a week" I said furrowing my eyebrows as he ruffled my hair. "Don't worry Alex we'll fix this" I nodded as I finished packing.

"Andria, sweetie are you okay?" my mom knocked on the door just as I stumbled onto the bed slightly. She rushed in to help me, "these killings need to be put to a stop it's beginning to weaken you, you can't continue to create life so much it's draining you" my dad came in agreeing.

"I know but if I don't who will? I'm the only life and fertility goddess, it's my duty to do so" I later back on my bed and groaned.

"Maybe we should come with yo-" mom started before I cut her off. "No, I will handle this while you guys leave for London" they looked between each other worriedly before looking and Ryu. I felt kind of offended, but understood. "I'll watch over her" he said as they sighed but nodded.

"Okay well let's get going then we have a plane to catch" dad said grabbing my suit case. I smacked his hand away before opening a portal to my new house. Temporary of course, I quite literally threw my suitcases in.

"Or that" dad said as mom scolded me for throwing my things. "We'll at least you don't have to worry about that let's get going" I nodded as we walked out saying goodbye to our beautiful manor.

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