Epilogue and Post-Credit

Start from the beginning

"Aww." Nora pouted at the loss of her new toy, making everyone chuckle at the adorable girl. Barry kissed his little girl on the head.

"So, is that it?" Selina asked the question they were all curious about. "Is the Crisis over now?"

Now, when Barry smiled it was in happiness. "Yeah." he turned to his wife. "Yeah, it's over." And they kissed in happiness.

"That's good to hear, Slugger." a voice said from the doorway. The heroes turned in the direction, and Team Flash gasped at who they saw. None more than Barry. "Dad?"

Sure enough, Henry Allen - formerly known on this Earth as Jay Garrick / the Original Flash until he lost his powers a year before Barry was born - stood in the doorway, smiling at his son with pride. "Hi, son."

Without another word spoken, Barry rushed over and hugged his father with happy tears rolling down his cheeks.

In the beginning, there was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and, finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life. With the multiverse.

New Earth-2.

A Green Arrow who looked like Mia Queen stood beside a dark haired female speedster wearing a red and blue suit. With them was a Superman who looked like Mon-El and a Batwoman who looked like Kara, as well as a Laurel Lance / Black Canary and a Deathstroke-like hero beside her.

Every existence multiplied by possibility. And spread out before space and time in infinite measure.


A Green Lantern traveled through space towards the planet Oa, where thousands of others were.

Civilizations rose and fell. And rose again across reality's grasping expanse.


On an Earth where the heroes were the gender reversed versions of their Earth-Prime selves, the Justice Alliance - consisting of Olivia Queen / The Green Arrow, her husband Kane Queen aka Superboy, Bethany 'Beth' Allen aka the Flash, her husband Samuel Lance / The White Canary, Claire Kent / Superwoman, Bryce Wayne / Batwoman and J'anna J'onzz aka Madame Martian - all sat around their meeting table in their own Hall of Justice.

Life. A precious gift


The Titans were in their tower in San Francisco, training or just being together like a team.

persevering in the face of every obstacle,


As the rain poured heavily, an entity is shown in a swamp.


The superhero team known as the Doom Patrol were dancing outside their mansion.

New Earth-38.

On the new Earth-38, Kara Queen's original Kal and Lois were moving back onto the Kent Farm with their twin sons, Jonathan and Jordan Kent.

until, finally,


An elderly Bruce Wayne watched with pride as his son and protege, Terry McGuinnis and his daughter, Helena Wayne both suited up to protect Gotham City as Batman and Nightwing.

A hand touched his shoulder, and the retired Batman turned to see his wife, Selina Wayne nee Kyle. The former Catwoman may be older, but she was still every bit as beautiful as she was back when he'd chase her across the rooftops of Gotham.

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