Epilogue and Post-Credit

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Following their victory, the heroes of the Justice League returned to STAR Labs, where everyone was happy to see a once again healthy Barry.

Immediately, Caitlin Snow pulled Barry into the infirmary for a check up.

"You're completely healed." she soon reported. Barry was sitting on the bed, with Sara on one side of him and Red Canary on the other, while Baby Nora was sitting between her Mommy and Daddy, visibly fascinated by her Daddy's new suit. "There is no trace of the Negative Speed Force in your system. In fact you're healthier than ever." she said with a happy smile on her face.

"Thanks, Cait." Barry said with a smile as he held his wife and daughter(s).

Oliver smiled at the news that his friend was well once more. "How do you feel, Barry?" he asked.

Barry smiled at his brother-in-all-but-blood. "Better." he told him after a moment of thought. "I feel... Reborn."

Cisco snorted, partially in relief. "Well alright, Speedy Jesus." he joked, making the others smile in relieved amusement.

Then Bruce addressed the proverbial elephant in the room. "What about Thawne?" he asked.

Barry smiled sadly. "When I was in the Speed Force, I learnt that Thawne had imprisoned it. And he did so using MY connection to the Negative Speed Force." he said bluntly.

Everyone was shocked at his words. "How could you have a connection to the Negative Speed Force?!" Sara asked in complete bewilderment.

Barry smiled sadly. "Because I was angry." he admitted. "I was angry at Thawne for killing my mother. Angry at Zoom for my Dad. And just angry at learning about my fate in the Crisis." he shrugged in acceptance. "All of that anger and pain forged my connection, and Thawne used it to imprison the Speed Force. That's why I was sick while Wally and Jesse were just weakened. To break the chains, I had to let go of my anger and accept what had happened." Sara squeezed her husbands hand in comfort.

He continued. "When I got out, I was able to separate Thawne from the other one. The Positive Tachyons destroyed Thawne's Negative self. But then I had to deal with the other one, and since he knew my real name Thawne went back in time to kill me as a child. I chased after him and saved my younger self. But as a result-" he paused as he swallowed.

Kara understood, knowing what Thawne had done. "You had to let him kill your mother." she said softly.

Barry nodded sadly. "Yes. I raced back to see him leaving and chased after him and hit him with a Positive Speed Force bolt, damaging his own connection and stranding him in the past."

"Thus ensuring that he had to take the identity of Henry Wells, found STAR Labs and build the Particle Accelerator all to create the Flash so that he could return home." Caitlin realized, knowing what Thawne had done to them.

"Yes." The Scarlet Speedster said. He then turned to Harry, as on this Earth Henry Wells was Harry's twin brother. The two had apparently been at odds with each other, even before Eobard took his identity. "I'm sorry, Harry." Barry apologized as the man was still his brother.

Harry nodded in acceptance of Barry's apology. Jesse put her hand on her Dad's shoulder in comfort.

Cisco decided to change the subject. "Can I just say, I am LOVING the new suit." he said eyeing Barry's suit in awe. The suit appeared to have an electric current running through it. Nora was gleefully touching it and giggling at how the current seemed to be drawn to where her hand was, like an LED plasma globe.

Barry laughed at his friend, happy for the change of subject. "Thanks, the Speed Force made it for me." he revealed.

Jesse whistled in awe as she held a scanner towards Barry. "I can tell, the suit is literally made of the Speed Force." she said. Then, without a visible effort or action, the suit faded with a crackle of lightning, leaving Barry in civilian clothes.

Crisis on Infinite EarthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora