EC015 : Next Time! Rinne

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~Continued previous story~

Millay :

"Emblem Charge!" "Exodus Drive!"

"Drain the eternal light and fire, Doom Dharak!"

Rinne :

"Emblem Charge!" "Shining Black!"

"Dark Shine the path, the galaxy! Wavern!"

Rinne : Tch! Huh? ... AHH!!!!

Riki : Rinne !

Millay's shot pushed back the last bomber and hit Rinne which made her fell off from the stage.

"<B-Shot RYU> Um... Winner! is Comparator Millay Shiya!"

Millay : That of course. *Smirk* *Look at Rinne*

Rinne : Urg... Tch *Getting Up* *Look up and glared at Millay*

Millay : *Giggle* *Walks away*

Rinne : .....

Riki : Rinne are you ok?

Riki, Ryukai all of them rush and asked Rinne if she ok, well no injuries but ...

Riki : Uha?!

Rinne's b-daman, Wavern, her arm parts was cracked.

Rimai : How cruel...

Ryukai : Rinne...

Rinne : Tch!... *Walks away*

Riki : Rinne ... *Serious* Millay...

Ryuken : Hey, Riki.

Riki : Uh? Ryuken?

Ryuken : The Final match...

Ryukai : Do you best.

Rimai : We all are cheering for you.

Riki : Ha... Thanks! *Smile*

Riki : Dracyan, our opponent next is Millay and Dharak.

Dracyan : Umm. Let's fight with no regret.

Riki : *Nods*

"<B-Shot RYU> ALLLLLRIGHT! Let's start the final match of the North GP Series Tournament. The comparators are Riki Ryugasaki and Ultimate Rising Dracyan! and Millay Shiya and Doom Dharak!"

Both of them get on the stage.

Millay : You're lucky that you have a chance to faced the new Dharak.

Riki : Millay, do you really betrayed Rinne?

Millay : Even I say did, what will you do?

Riki : Don't do anything sad either to you or Rinne even us.

Millay : *Blush* Uha?! Wh-what you are saying, you idiot. This is our problem, mind your own.

Riki : Millay...

"<B-Shot RYU> Both comparators please stand by! B-Shot! Ready! Aim! FIREBLAST!!!"

Meanwhile, outside at the stadium,

Rinne's POV

The final match had started, I done fixing Wavern. Her injuries not that much a problem to me, but still had that feeling.

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