Welcome, Y/n-san, To Yuigaoka Girls' High School. Please Enjoy Your Stay.

Start from the beginning

Kishibe: "You were put in a tough spot, I don't know anyone who would've succeeded in this situation. But, hey." *He takes out a manilla folder* "The land is still yours. They won't take it. So who knows, maybe there's some hope in the future."

M/n: "I'm not too sure of that. I think I'm done with the teaching business."

Kishibe: "Hey, hey. Don't say that. Listen, I don't always bring bad news."

He takes out two papers from his folder.

Kishibe: "They're looking for a new music instructor."

He hands the papers over to M/n.

Kishibe: "It's alright to cry."

M/n: *While holding back tears* "I'm trying not to. But I can't help but think... What about our staff? Our students?"

Kishibe: "They'll find greener pastures. It's time to slow down, M/n. Think about it this way, now you'll have more time to start that family you were hoping for."

M/n: "I-You're not wrong."

Kishibe: *He stands up* "Come on, I'll buy you a drink."

M/n: "I'd like that."

And so, Jinguu Music Academy was forced to shut down due to a lack of enrollment. Changing times had taken another school. M/n went on to teach at a different school. There she began to get her life reordered. She even started her own family. Four years later she received a call from an old student of hers. Hana Hazuki. When the school first showed signs of decline, she tried to save it by forming an idol group. But it was too late for anything to be done. 

M/n: "Hello?"

Hana: "Miss M/n, do you remember me?"

M/n: "Of course. Hazuki, yes?"

Hana: "Ah! You do remember! Listen, I want to buy the school from you."

M/n: "W-What?!"

Hana: "That's right! I've partnered with a few people, and we're wanting to buy the land. We have a plan to reestablish the school."

M/n: "Wow. That's incredible."

Hana: "Right? We want to reopen the school for generations to enjoy."

M/n: "Well, I'll be glad to help you. Tell me when you're available, I'd love to set everything up." With this boost in income, I think we'll be ready for a child.

Hana: "Hai! We can talk Wednesday afternoon, if you'd like."

M/n: "That works for me. Let's catch up. It's been a while."

Hana: "It's been far too long."

That marked the beginning of Yuigaoka Girls' High School. M/n gave Hana advice on how to run and operate a school. Kishibe also offered his advice on what to avoid. Together, M/n and Hana successfully reopened their once glorious school.

Hana: "Opening day is tomorrow."

M/n: "I'm so proud of you. To think you'd seriously do all of this."

Hana: "It's too bad you won't be joining us."

M/n: "I don't have time to run a school." *She rubs her stomach* "Not anymore."

Hana: "You're expecting too?!"

M/n: "Too?!"

They smile and share a girly squeal.

Hana: "It's a big day. We're going to prove ourselves to everyone else. Once we've operated for a little while, I plan on adding another building for a music program."

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