My Hair Pulling Neighbor Who Thinks I Dont Exist [25]

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                There I was kissing Tracy, she was actually a damn good kisser.

                I mean I’ve kissed girls before but this was something new, she changed the course of our lips every once in a while and her tongue massaged mine in every direction possible. We just simply stood there kissing each other, the sensation I was feeling holding her was actually a different sensation than the one I had felt with girls in New York.

                It was the sensation I would have wanted  to feel with Lani. Agh, stupid Xavier stop thinking about LANI! Just enjoy the time you have now with Tracy… “Now how is that for being rude?” she whispered while grinning up at me, her face was still really close to mine.

                I smiled back at her not saying anything, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to remain silent, I just didn’t know exactly what to say to her. This had taken me by surprise, and unwillingly, I loved it! “Not rude at all, in fact I think you might just be the best bully ever.” I replied. It wasn’t my best line but it was better than just standing there smiling like an idiot.

                “And you might just be the best jerk ever!” she said pecking me really fast then raising my hands with hers while swaying to the music again.


                They both have better fixed their damn problems or else I was for sure not going to spend two days with Xavi catching up. He couldn’t just come back here and make my best friend mad for no reason. “Xavi... you better have fixed stuff with her.”

                I grabbed my phone and texted him.

                Xavi you better have fixed stuff with Tracy!

                I didn’t get a reply back for about thirty minutes, he usually replied back quickly, but whatever. I opened up his text:

I’m with her now Lani relax everything is more than fixed. Talk to you later ok!

They were together?

This was really weird. They didn’t even know each other and they were hanging out. I mean it’s great because now it wouldn’t be awkward hanging out with both of them, but geez was it weird to even think of them together, without me in the picture.

But I was sure glad they were fixing things together, now things would be easier, like sharing the hanging out time with them.  I grabbed my phone and laid it on the drawer next to my bed, I was tired and ready for bed.

Tracy’s P.O.V

“Well thanks for tonight…” I smiled at Xavi who was smiling right back at me.

“You’re welcome, I actually had fun, not going to lie!” he said scratching his head.

“I did too, we should do it again sometime…” I replied trying to sound casual. I didn’t want him to think that I actually wanted to hang out with him. Because if this was the time when Xavi the JERK came back, I wasn’t going to show him that it would hurt me if he didn’t want to hang out with me.

“Sure, just let me know!”

I got out of his car before the awkward moment of the goodbye came. “Well thanks again, see you in school Xavier.”

He waved goodbye, then drove off. I stood there looking stupid, what a freaking night!


                I woke up feeling pretty awesome, I was waking up not for school, but to hang out with Lani, I was skipping school for her. When would I stop doing stupid things for her?

                The memories from last night were embedded in my brain, and I couldn’t help but smile as events from last night flashed through my mind. Tracy was a really fun and outgoing girl, she managed to help me forget Lani for a bit. A girl who was able to do that deserved more attention from me.

A.N: short chapter ii know but im a little rusty since i havent written in a while due to school ughhh anyways hope ya like more will be uploaded faster :)

My Hair Pulling Neighbor Who Thinks I Dont Exist [25]Where stories live. Discover now