𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐧

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-Friday finally came and Harry woke up in his bed first time that week. Ron was with Blaise and Dean and Seamus slept in same bed. Neville was sleeping like a baby. He got up put his shirt and jeans on and put his tie but didn't tie it. Just put it around him and his jacket and went in common room. He packed his bag and chilled in front of fireplace. He read some books Remus gave him.

-After 30 minutes or so he went to wake up others three. It was almost time to go on breakfast. They changed and Harry waited for them. Harry put his bag on his shoulder and was playing with hid wand which was in his hand. They went down the stairs to The Great Hall. Girls were already there so were Slytherins.

-Ron waved to Harry and Harry gave him a smirk. Draco blushed hard when he saw that Harry's shirt wasn't fully unbuttoned and his tie wasn't tied. Harry didn't pay attention on Draco and sat down. Draco knew he was doing it on purpose. Draco talked with Ron and Dean. Hermione was smirking at Pansy. Draco was looking at Harry and Harry pretended he didn't notice it.

-When it was end of the breakfast Harry waited almost everyone to get to class and then he was leaving The Great Hall too. When he was near school bathrooms, Draco pulled him behind the wall.

-"Ignoring me, Potter?" Draco asked.
"Oh, you noticed, so you were really staring at me." Harry said smirking at the taller boy. Draco blushed. Harry started to walk away but Malfoy pulled him by the hand.
"We'll discuss that later, Malfoy." Harry said sending him a kiss. Draco blushed. Harry walked away and Draco ran after him because they both have same class, Potions, with Snape.

-They say down together. Blaise gave Ron a smirk and Ron smirked at him too. They both thought the same.
"I'll do the work with kettle but you'll give me ingredients and cut them, got that?" Draco whispered. Harry nodded. He did as taller Slytherin said.

-When it was 5 minutes to the end of the class Snape went to check Potions.
"Very good, Potter and Malfoy. 10 points to Slytherin and 15 to Gryffindor to celebrate Potter getting netter." Snape said. Draco smiled at him and they gave each other a high five.

-Their second class was Defence Against Dark Arts with Remus Lupin. Goyle and Crabbe again teased Harry but now, Malfoy shut them up. When it was start of the class they practiced Riddikulus again and Harry did it without a mistake.
"Congrats, Harry. 10 points for Gryffindor." Remus said. Harry smiled. Crabbe started talking shit but Harry didn't pay attention to it which Draco loved.

-After the rest of classes Harry went to take a quick nap and when he woke up it was 3PM. He made deal with Draco at 4PM. He got up and started looking through his closet. He put on a simple black T-Shirt, ripped jeans and zipping hoodie on. He kept it unzipped. He put on a necklace with sun and star (representing James and Regulus) and rings with moon and stars on (representing Sirius and Remus). He put black converse on.

-He waited until 3:50 and decided to go to Slytherin common room. When he arrived he saw Draco carrying a candy bar and bouquet of roses. Harry blushed but smile.

-"Ready, Potter?" Draco said. Harry nodded.
"Here you go, nothing big but-" Draco said but Harry kissed his cheek so Draco shut up. They held hands and went to Hogsmeade. They stopped beside lake and started talking.

-"What are your favourite places, Potter?" Draco asked.
"Grimmulad Place 12, my house and one playground in Muggle world. There is also one cave where I came to talk to Sirius when he was on a run.
"Your godfather must've cared about you when he risked all." Draco said.
"That's why I love him so much." Harry said.
"What about yours?" Harry asked.
"Malfoy Manor, Hogwarts and my room." Draco answered.

-They talked more like childhood friends. Harry didn't know how nice Draco was. He felt like he knew him his whole life. Draco felt it too. They just talked almost 2 hours. When it was about 6PM they got up. Sun was going down so sky was redish pink.

-Harry turned to Draco. Draco was already looking at Harry. His eyes were sparkinling and Harry blushed. Draco smiled. Harry mumbled something under his heath.
"What was that?" Draco asked. Harry didn't answer, instead he got on his toes, put hands on Draco shoulders and got almost to his lips. Draco blushed and held Harry by his waist. Both boys were in love with each other badly.

-"Potter." Draco said.
"Malfoy." Harry said.
Draco gave in and pressed their lips together. Harry leaned in too. They kissed.

-Merlin, it was better than anything they experienced before. Harry felt butterflies in his stomach, Draco too. It was their first kiss and so far they loved it. It was perfect for both of them. Draco pulled Harry closer and didn't want to let him go, ever. Harry's heart wanted to explode, he never felt anything like this anyone else. Draco, for the first time, listened to his heart and not his head. But it wasn't important, his heart snd head thought and wanted the same. They wanted Harry.

-The background was perfect, sun shining, lake, trees blooming, green grass, birds singing and everything was like in a dream. Both of them never wanted to pull out of thar kiss. They wanted to stay like that forever. Harry felt safe in Draco's arms and was glad he could make him safe. His lips were soft. Draco bit Harry's lower lip and he gasped. Draco took it as a chance to pu his tongue in Harry's mouth. Their tongues were dancing around.

-After two note minutes they pulled out from the kiss. Their eyes locked and couldn't help but smile at each other.
"Potter?" Draco asked smiling from ear to ear.
"Yes?" Harry answered. Malfoy took a deep breath. Harry was confused what it was.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Draco said, looking away. Harry couldn't believe it. "Draco Malfoy, asking me to be his boyfriend." Harry thought as he jumped and wrapped hands around Draco's neck pulling him into a hug.
"Yes!" He shouted. Draco got red and hugged him tight, snuggling his head into Harty's shoulder. He wanted to cry from happiness. Both boys couldn't be happier. Their hearts were full of magical love.

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