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-He knocked on doors and Draco opened them. He was wearing long green oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. He looked so hot in that. Harry was speechless.
"Hey. Like what you see, Potter?" Draco asked laughing.
"Oh shut up, Malfoy." Harry came in room. Draco gave Pansy and Blaise death stare and they immediately left the room, Harry found it hilarious. They sat down.

-"We're not studying. I wanna get to know you more." Draco said.
"I expected you to say something like that." Harry smiled. Draco put Harry's bag in corner of the room with his and leaned down to Harty's ear.
"You're too hot for me to concentrate, anyways, Potter." Harry blushed and Draco laughed.
"And if we make Potions it'll be probably you and me." Harry said raising his head up looking at Draco. Draco blushed. He put hands around Harry and hugged him from back.

-"What's that for, Malfoy?" Harry said teasingly enjoying his hug.
"Uh, sorry." Malfoy said removing his hands but Harry stopped him just in time.
"Who said you're allowed to stop?" Harry said Draco smiled. They were like that. Draco leaned his head down so it was beside Harry's. Harry kissed him on the cheek.

-"And that's for defending me from Snape." Harry said and Draco blushed.
"Well, that's better than any reward. Snape will adore you after knowing that you're hanging out with me. " Draco said, looking at Harry. Harry put Draco's hand from his chest to his face and held it.
"Are you spending the night?" Draco asked.
"Only if I'm welcome." Harry said smiling.
"Of course you are, Potter. We wouldn't want you getting expelled if someone sees you walking to your dorm this late." Draco said. Harry smiled and looked at Draco.

-"Fuck." Harry said holding his scar.
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"Just my scar hurt." Harry said.
"Hey, he's defeated, he can do nothing to you. At least not in front me. I'll protect you with my own body. You saved me many times." Draco said. Harry smiled.
"Even my Dark Mark wiped out." Draco continued.
"Malfoy." Harry said.
"Yes, Potter?" Draco asked.
"Just hug me, please." Harry said and Draco did as he said.

-"How is with the red head?" Draco asked.
"We broke it off. She is with some Ravenclaw boy." Harry said.
"And how's with Pansy?" Harry asked.
"Potter, didn't Granger tell you. They've been together for a while." Harry was shocked. He thought at least Hermione was straight.
"Well that's interesting." Harry said thinking how he will kill Hermione.
"What's your favorite drink, color, ect. Tell me more." Draco said.
"Well I love butterbeer, and obviously black. I like to play quidditch and in free time I just chill around the house." Harry said. "Now yoir turn." He continued.

-"My favourite drink is firewhiskey, I hang out with my house elf Dobby most of the time." Draco said.
"That's why he's always for my life when he comes around. He always thinks someone will kill me." Said Harry giggling.
"Oh, shut up, like you had better opinion about me." Draco said.
"Good point, but now I think you're really nice." Harry said.

-"Did that come from Potter's mouth. Wow." Draco said teasing Harry.
"Shut up. What do you think of me?" Harry asked.
"I think you're very intelligent but very stupid because you rejected my friendship in 1st year." Draco said and Harry cut him.
"Oh, get over it. It was 6 years ago." Harry said rolling his eyes in a funny way.
"Potter, don't interrupt me. I think you're very pretty for a Gryffindor and I think you can be very nice and supportive." Draco finished.

-"Thanks, Malfoy. That's really heartwarming for a Malfoy to think good of a half blood." Harry said.
"I'm nothing like my father, Potter." Malfoy said putting hands off Harry.
"I didn't say you are. I always knew you were nothing like him, Malfoy." Harry said.
"I'm just sick of everyone expecting me to be like my father. All he did is hating half bloods, muggles and blood traitors. I don't hate any of them. I respect them." Draco said. Harry sighed.

-"I know, Malfoy, I know. You calmed me down many times and many times made me even more mad. Sometimes I regret not becoming your friend. No." Harry said getting up.
"I regret always not becoming your friend. You never judged me for my actions like Hermione did sometimes. You would always know how to help me, Ron knows that too but not always." Harry said. Malfoy gasped.
"You regret not becoming my friend?" Draco said.

-"Of course I do. You're popular, pretty, mean outside but nice inside. I like your style, your face, your personality, more than before. I thought you were an idiot but now I know you are an idiot." Harry said.
"You're the best person I met, I'm glad I did. Even you were fucking with my nerves from the start. You're really nice and helping. I love that you would give life to those you love." Draco said.

-"Then let's try again." Harry said.
"What?" Draco said.
"Let's be friends." Harry said.
"Okay, sure but now let's prepare for next Potions class." Draco said grabbing bags from the corner.
"Scarab beetles?" Draco asked.
"Yes." Harry replied.
"Ginger roots?"
Armadillo bile?"
"Any plans this Friday." Draco asked.
"What?" Harry asked blushing.
"Go out with me." Draco said.
"Bet." Harry said smiling. Draco smiled too.

-After they checked everything. They put ingredients back in bags still smiling. Then they went to sleep in Draco's bed, of course whose else. Blaise was awake and smiling whole time. He was happy those two are finally getting along. Both of the boys couldn't be happier. It was like a wish come true. Harry was sleeping beside Draco and Draco was hugging him the whole time. He slept like a baby. Draco was glad he could make him feel safe. He loved him so much.

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