The Dean's Office

Start from the beginning

Dovey brought her own glass to her lips, holding it between both hands. "And then?" She asked, a grin inching up her face.

Lesso shook her head. "And then nothing. It all just sort of happened. Though I almost blew it that night you and I got into an argument."

Dovey tilted her head. "Oh?"

Lesso shifted on the couch, pulling one of her legs underneath her. "She heard us that night...heard me say I didn't love her. Which obviously was a lie, but she didn't know that at the time. She got pretty upset with me about it; nearly destroyed her room out of pure rage."

Dovey's eyes widened. "Well, I'm glad it all worked out. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen you this happy."

Lesso looked over to you once more. Your smile was stretched from ear to ear as you finally found Saturn.

"I don't think I ever have been," Lesso mumbled.

"Hey, guys come look at this!" You yelled from the telescope. You gestured for them to come over to you as you bounced up and down in excitement. "I found Saturn! This telescope is awesome!"

Lesso and Dovey each put their glasses down and strode toward you on the balcony. You once again checked that everything was in the right place and then stood to the side to allow Dovey to look.

"My goodness!" Dovey exclaimed, as she looked through the lens. "It's magnificent!"

After a few moments, she backed away, allowing Lesso to look too. Since Lesso was taller, she had to practically crouch down to see through the lens, but when she finally saw the planet in focus, her breath hitched.

"Oh wow," she whispered to herself. It was beyond anything she had ever expected to see. "That's amazing!"

As she stood, she glanced at your excited expression. "Thank you for showing us this my love."

"You're welcome," you cooed, as she kissed you on the cheek.

"Now, will you come join us?" Lesso asked softly as she moved to grab your hand. "Clarissa brought along some excellent whiskey."

You chuckled, "Seems you found something each of us would like Clarissa!"

Dovey laughed, "Well I had to guess for you, but I know Lesso can't refuse a good bottle of whiskey."

Lesso rolled her eyes as she sat down, stretching her arm over the back of the couch so you could settle in next to her. You poured yourself a glass of whiskey and snuggled in close to Lesso's side."

"Lesso was just telling me about how you two ended up together," Dovey muttered through the rim of her glass.

You looked to your girlfriend and back to Clarissa. "Nothing to tell really; it just sorta happened."

Lesso smirked. "That's exactly what I said."

Dovey frowned. "Oh come now, you two are no fun! Every fairytale couple has a good story!"

Lesso brought her glass down to set it in her lap. "Yeah, but most fairytale couples are evers, Clarissa."

Clarissa thought for a moment. "I suppose that's true...but that doesn't matter! Evers or nevers you can still have a good story!"

You let out a soft laugh through your nose. "Well, I guess there was the ball." You looked at Lesso. "That's probably more along the lines of the type of story she's looking for."

Dovey scooted herself farther back on the couch, pulling her legs into her. "Oh please share! I'd love to hear it!"

Lesso looked at Clarissa, eagerly waiting to hear the story and huffed.

The Gift of Good and Evil One Shots: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now