The Stars of Camelot

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You, Lesso, and Gregor made it to Camelot around nine in the morning. It was about an hour and a half trip, which wasn't too bad, flying wise; but you did stop off once to give Gregor some snacks you'd packed especially for him.

You picked a spot in the mountains of Camelot, about a half hour from the kingdom. Your first few days were going to be spent camping under the stars with the remainder of the first week exploring Camelot's markets, touring the castle, and enjoying their taverns. The second week you were going to journey through Camelot's seaside; you'd plotted a few places on a map where you suspected you'd find some more dangerous beasts. You figured your wife might enjoy seeing and potentially fighting them.

Gregor found a waterfall near a cliff not far from your campsite to settle down. You helped him create a makeshift nest and even brought his blanket from his nest at home. You spread it out over the bed of leaves you'd collected and he quickly snuggled into it, ready for a nap.

You appreciated that he'd been so willing to join you and Lesso on this trip. When you had asked him, he'd expressed that he was equally excited to see more of the realms as well as spend time with you two. He'd become much closer to Lesso following Rafal's attack; especially since she now could maintain a telepathic connection with him.

"Gregor's all set up," you said as you strode into the campsite. While you were gone, Lesso had pitched the tent and a campfire was roaring out front.

"Why did he want to camp so far away?" Lesso asked, as she magically conjured a tea kettle and your picnic basket with lunch in it.

"He likes waterfalls. It reminds him of home," you answered, as you moved to step inside the tent.

The tent was laid with several spells and charms, so everything inside it magically appeared once the tent was set up and when it was time to move, everything disappeared as the tent was broken down. It was fancier than you were used to when you camped; but your wife wasn't necessarily the most outdoorsy type and you wanted her to feel comfortable.

You sighed as you removed your jacket and laid it across the small bed before exiting the tent and moving to join Lesso around the campfire.

"The tent looks good dear," you cooed, as you stepped around to kiss her on her temple before sitting next to her.

She handed you a sandwich as she smiled. You unwrapped it carefully and took a bite as Lesso shifted to pour you both a cup of tea. She sat back with her cup, breathing in the fresh air and looking around. She then closed her eyes and let out a soft exhale.

"You okay?" You asked curiously.

She nodded. "I feel like I haven't had a free moment in the last two years. It's just odd to be able to relax. It's nice...but odd."

You laughed. "Well, this trip is all about relaxing my love." You leaned back on the grass to look up at the sky. "Me, you, and absolutely nothing to do!"

Lesso smiled and looked over to you. "You know what I'd like you and me to be doing right now?"

You leaned up on your elbows, looking toward the redhead as you smirked. "I certainly have an idea."

Lesso stood and helped you up, dropping both your teacups so that they spilled out onto the grass as she dragged you into the soundproof tent.

She quickly moved to tie the tent closed, and as she did, you scurried to the bed, swiping your jacket onto the floor. She turned seductively to see you sitting on the edge of it, waiting for her... patiently.

The Gift of Good and Evil One Shots: Volume 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant