chapter one - changing seasons

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sorry i wanted to change the tense of the book and didnt particularly like the first chapter but im going to go back and edit the prologue too. 

Australia was the first race of the season and the first race back since the release of jackass three. the teams sandbagged through the winter, not wanting everyone to see the true power of their car for the season. it was also a time for drivers to keep a low profile and enjoy their time away from the track. but once the season's first race rolls around, all cards are on the table and the cameras are pointed back at the drivers.

it was still foreign to Rory, but she was never opposed to a challenge, however, she didn't approach it with a smile and laughter like she normally would, but with complete neutrality. she was by far the youngest driver on the track, but easily the most experienced with the media. which is what now stood between her and getting to the Red Bull garage.

she never feared the media but there were always two sides to her went the cameras were on. when she was around her friends, she was bubbly, smiling and full of laughter, but around the track, it wasn't the same she wasn't smiling in the media, she was smiling for the media. there was a sense of disconnection that the people closest to her saw but the fans never clocked it. she had been in the limelight since a young age, but nobody knew anything about her besides what was shown in the jackass movies and at the track, and she wanted to keep it that way. it was easy to get into trouble with the media, and it could cause serious issues throughout the season and have the potential to take away your seat for the next.

"formula one fans call for change over the controversial extension of rory davdison's contract with red bull for 2011 season.

formula one's first female driver rory davidson placed second in the championship in 2010, but her rookie season was clouded with controversy" rory read the article out loud as she through the paddock

dunn glanced over at her throwing her old red bull mechanics shirt at her "what about it?"

"what if they end up dropping me?" she wouldn't show this kind of vulnerability to anyone besides him.

"you've come all of this way and all it takes is a few bad articles for you to just give up" he continues to stare at her as they stand outside the conference centre. "do you love racing? I mean actually enjoy being in the car? because if you don't love it any more we can just pack now and go. there are countless other drivers including daniel that would take your seat in a heartbeat"

"its what I live for"

"that" he points firmly at rory " that is the reason you are here. you have so much talent but so does everyone else. that is what beats talent every time. when youre on the track it is just you against you. how hard are you going to push? it doesn't matter what anyone else says, youre the only one doing it. if it is really what you live for are you going to give up that quickly?"

"no" she tilts her head forward as a small grin makes its way onto her face.

"then put the fucking shirt on and get in there" he pushes her slightly towards the door

as the Brazillian entered the conference room, she pulled the old red bull mechanics button up over her shoulder, leaving the buttons undone exposing her midriff. it was standard for drivers to dress in team wear for media days, but rory never liked the boring polos she was provided with.

she waved politely at the other drivers that were crowding around the edge of the stage, causing them all to smile back. they mirrored her calm demeanour, but it was obvious to her they were trying to find any weaknesses in other teams as they spoke about testing.

Rory stepped up onto the stage, taking her seat next to her teammate Sebastian as the officials and press began filing into the room. there had been tension between the two of them toward the end of the last season after rory almost stole the championship from under him. but a lot of team bonding during the winter seemed to ease any of that leading into the new year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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