Part 11

241 21 5

jeon's residence

( in living room jisoo and jungwoo were watching TV then jungkook comes there)

Jungkook said, it's already 9:00 p.m., you should take jungwoo to bed soon. kids should sleep earlier.

Jungwoo said, daddy! Can you take me and vomi to the theme park this Sunday?

Jungkook said, theme park?

jungkook glance towards Jisoo and think- Kim jisoo to be avoiding me after what happened earlier. she won't even look at me in the eyes.

Jungwoo said, can you daddy?

Jungkook said, ask your mommy . I'm fine with it.

Jungwoo said, is that okay, mommy? (Pleading)

Jisoo said, yes. ( Hug jungwoo)

( Jungkook glance towards them)

Jungkook said, go bath and sleep soon. I am going back to work. okay! (he then go)

Jungwoo said, Mommy, daddy always leave the study very late at night. he was still working when I woke up to pee . do you want to go tell daddy to sleep early too?

Jisoo said, that's not under my control, jungwoo.

Jungwoo said, But . . .  Daddy fall sick if he keeps staying up at night. if that happens he won't be able to go to the theme park with me on Sunday. come on, mommy ~ Daddy will surely listen to you. ( He then pulls her)

Jisoo said, jungwoo. . . .

Jungwoo said, let's go!

Jisoo said, jungwoo!

At study room outside the door

Jungwoo said,  mommy, mommy! Mommy~

Jisoo said, jungwoo is a good boy. Shall I carry you to bed instead?

Jungwoo said, No! ( Then he runs to study room inside)

Jisoo said, EH?! Wait. . . .

( jungkook see them )

Jungwoo said, daddy, mommy has something to tell you! ( said while peaking from the table)

Jungkook said, what is it. ( said while tiling on his laptop) 'Tap Tap'

Jungwoo said, mommy~ ( then he push her slowly towards jungkook's table)

Jungwoo said, I'll go back and bath now? ( Escape)

( Jungwoo get's out of the room and closed the room with the sound coming ' Bam ' )

Jisoo said, jungwoo. . . . ( Crack)

( Jungwoo lock the door from outside)

Jungwoo said, lock! HE HE


Jisoo and jungkook. . .

Jungkook said, I'll call aunt Chen to unlock the door.

Jisoo said, chairman Jeon.

Jungkook said, HM? ( Stands up)

Jisoo said, jungwoo wants you to sleep  early. he says that working until late at night is bad for your health.

(Jungkook pause)

Jungkook said, . . .  What about you?

Jisoo said, HUH ? Me ?

Jungkook said, jungwoo said, that out of concern for me. Are you also concerned about me? ( Pinned her to wall)

Jisoo said, you're jungwoo's father , so it's only right that I pay attention to your health . . . .  Y- you need to be healthy to raise jungwoo.

Jungkook said, just because I'm jungwoo's father?

Jisoo said, yes. as per our contract ,  I will leave in 2 months. so far jungwoo's sake, I will do you say during this period.

Jungkook said, why don't you settle my biological needs then ?

Jisoo said, what ?

(Sudden starting kissing her)

(Sudden starting kissing her)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Jungkook said, Kim jisoo . . .

Jisoo said, UGH . . . Let me go! Let me go! ( Shout and push ) please have some respect for yourself ! FFT!

Jungkook said, don't worry , I'm not that s*x - starved. ( Smirk)

Jisoo said, no ? Then who was it that kissed and touched me ? ( Mad )

Mrs Jeon said, why are you still awake jungkook? jeez . You should take care of your body instead of just working day. EH ? Why is the door locked jungkook?

Jisoo think- OH NO!!! Madam Jeon might get the wrong idea if she sees us in this state!

Outside the room

Mrs Jeon said, HM?

( Jungwoo forgot to remove the key from door )

Mrs Jeon said, why are you still awake, son?

Jungkook said, go sleep first. I will go to bed after reading this newspaper.

Mrs Jeon said, . . . Get aunt chen to get you a cup of hot water later. staying up at night is bad for your health

Jungkook said, I got it , mommy.

Mrs jeon said,  I won't disturb you then. good night . (gets out)

Jungkook said, come out . She's gone.

Jisoo in mind- WHOOSH - - that acting . . . One second , he was acting like a beast , and the next second, he's acting like a decent human being. How impressive.

Jisoo said, I'we send my piece , chairman Jeon . let's just mind our own business during these two months. I hope there won't be a repeat of today's incident.

( He stands up and comes near her and held her chin to face him)

Jungkook said, Kim jisoo, are you talking terms with me now ? (Smirk)

Jisoo in mind- it was clearly started in the contract , yet he is acting all dominaring and unreasonable!

Jisoo said, what happened 5 years ago was an accident . ( Removes his hand from her chin )

Jisoo said, I am not an unchaste woman , so that sort of thing won't happened again.

Jungkook . . .

Jisoo said, I'm going to bed . Good night.


Question: does jungwoo did good thing to lock jisoo and jungkook in study room ?

Ans me this question in comments . I want to know your opinion.


Bye ( >_< )


Jungwoo's dream daddy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें