2. max has a date?

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Max sent a photo
[Description: Max is laying on a bed with sweatpants on. You can only see his legs as it is taken from his view. It's possible to see a bit of the rest of the house.]

Daniel: that was random

Daniel: even for you

Max: oh srry

Max: that was meant for lando

Max: he asked me where I was

Daniel: that doesn't look like ur house btw

Lando: yeah Maxie, where are u after all??

Max: ur right actually

Max: im at a friends house

Lando: uuu a friend? 👀

Max: yes lan, stop inventing

Carlos: that's my line man

Max: sorry carlos

Max: ur boyfriend is being stupid

Oscar: he is stupid

Lando: nobody called u to the conversation

Oscar: i heard someone call u stupid so i felt the need to confirm

Oscar: just in case

Lando: fu

Mick: panda

Pierre: what?

Mick: kung fu panda

Mick: i was just completing his sentence

Seb: Mein Gott, Mick! You're something else.

Mick: I can't tell if that's a compliment or not

Max: coming from Seb it probably is

Seb: Of course it was.

Charles: are we forgetting the fact that max has friends??

Charles: i thought he couldn't get one

Fernando: wow low blow

Fernando: what are u gonna do about it max?

Seb: Nando pls, don't encourage them to fight.

Fernando: they started it themselves

Fernando: im just very supportive of them

Max: for ur information it is actually a date

Lando: so u liedddd

Lando: how dare u call me stupid when i was right?!

Max: not now lan I'll call you later

Charles: must not be going very well if you're talking to us

Max: she's taking a shower before we leave for lunch

Max: not that i owe u any explanations

Charles: whatever hope she dumps u

Daniel: this is interesting

Lando: what Dan?

Daniel: charlie boy is acting weird about max being on a date

Valtteri: I mean, he usually talks to Max like that.

Daniel: yes but today is worse

Daniel: and he called him max when it's usually verstappen 

Alex: that's very interesting indeed

Lando: u just show up for the drama Alex

Alex: it's the best part

Max: he's probably just jealous that I have a date and he doesn't

Seb: I don't think that's the thing Charles is jealous of.

Lando: sebbb???

Lando: I didn't know u were a gossip king

Kimi: oh he's always been like that

Seb: I'm not a gossip king. Just well informed.

Alex: what do u know about this subject?

Seb: A lot. But I can't tell.

Charles: there's nothing to tell

Charles: i just enjoy pissing him off

Seb: We both know that's not the whole truth but okay.

Seb: However you want it.

Max: im really confused rn

Daniel: u always are bitch

Max: lie

Max: i always know about the gossip

Max: that's how u know so much

Daniel: can't deny

Lando: oh so Max is the gossip king

Lando: why don't u tell me shit then?

Max: come here tonight for the gossip news

Max: u too dan

Daniel: yesss

Daniel: I'll go

Lando: that's why I love you Maxie

Max: don't know how to feel about that but love you too lan

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